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 Betreff des Beitrags: Chat Logs Myst Online: Uru Live
BeitragVerfasst: 22.05.2007 - 20:55 
Gründer - Founder
Gründer - Founder

Registriert: 18.02.2005 - 21:49
Beiträge: 5280
Bilder: 192
Wohnort: NRW
Hier die beiden Chatlogs von gestern und heute Abend !!

[hide=Chatlog vom 21.05.07]

05/21 19:56:32) Chat.log started...
(05/21 19:56:37) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: bist du in Ordnung?
(05/21 19:56:44) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: Wheely ist gefunden
(05/21 19:56:55) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: Wheely: ...dad? nein....
(05/21 19:57:17) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E (Engberg): Was? Was ist los? Sprich Schatzchen
(05/21 19:57:31) Hordath: soapopera ala uru
(05/21 19:57:33) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: bist du verletzt? Ist Rose hier?
(05/21 19:57:46) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W(Wheely) : Rose ist verletzt - ich weiss nicht
(05/21 19:58:05) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: was meinst du?
(05/21 19:58:12) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: ist sie bei dir?
(05/21 19:58:24) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Wheely! Wo ist Rose?
(05/21 19:58:49) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: Ich glaube sie ist tot... oh nein dad... hilf...
(05/21 19:59:17) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Oh Gott. Ok. Alles kommt in Ordnung. Wir bringen dich hier raus
(05/21 20:00:07) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: alles in Ordnung. Wir bringen dich hier raus.
(05/21 20:00:18) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: Wheely: ich bin in Ordnung...aber Rose...nein
(05/21 20:00:38) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: wir werden auch Rose finden/rausholen
(05/21 20:01:23) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Sie scheint besinnungslos zu sein. Was ist passiert? Ist das Gebaeude eingestuerzt?
(05/21 20:01:33) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Kannst du atmen? Kannst du dich bewegen?
(05/21 20:02:33) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E beruhigt weiterhin Wheely
(05/21 20:03:49) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W ist tottraurig. Sie gingen in den Riss / Bruch
(05/21 20:04:11) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: der Riss /Bruch ist eingestuerzt
(05/21 20:04:40) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: ich bin so traurig, Papa...ich habe Rose umgebracht
(05/21 20:04:59) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: du hast sie nicht umgebraucht
(05/21 20:05:05) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: -u
(05/21 20:05:26) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: das darfst du nicht denken
(05/21 20:06:47) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: was ist genau passiert. Kannst du mir das sagen? Kannst du dich bewegen?
(05/21 20:07:01) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: ich kann mich bewegen, aber mein Bein tut weh
(05/21 20:07:46) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: ich dachte wir forschen...mit unseren Reltobuechern
(05/21 20:08:34) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: aber sie funktionierten nicht....sie haben versagt
(05/21 20:08:57) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: bist du sicher? bist du sicher, dass du die linkflaeche beruehrt hast?
(05/21 20:09:22) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: es war beaengstigend, Dad
(05/21 20:09:49) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Was ist passiert? Was hast du gesehen?
(05/21 20:10:10) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Was ist auf dich gestuerzt?
(05/21 20:10:27) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Wheely? Bist du noch da? Sprich mit mir
(05/21 20:10:27) From tachzusamm in tachzusamm's Relto: Hi Nachbarn
(05/21 20:10:47) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: das Linkbild war weg...der Bahro hat das Buch beruehrt
(05/21 20:11:02) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: der Bahro? Was meinst du?
(05/21 20:11:15) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: es ist beaengstigend wieder hier zu sein
(05/21 20:11:53) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: da sind Schnitzereien....
(05/21 20:11:58) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: (Carvings)
(05/21 20:12:24) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Schnitzereienn? Wo? Kannst du sie sehen?
(05/21 20:12:58) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: ich ab sie angeschaut
(05/21 20:13:20) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: Wir haben sie uns betrachtet.
(05/21 20:13:33) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: arme rose, papa, bitte bring mich weg
(05/21 20:13:52) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Wir versuchen es. Marie ist hier. Laxman ist hier
(05/21 20:14:24) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Die Schnitzereien haben geglueht als wir sie beruehrten
(05/21 20:14:44) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: sorry- war W, nicht E
(05/21 20:15:02) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: und Rose beruehrte eines und wir hoerten einen lauten Schrei
(05/21 20:15:28) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: es war so fuerchterlich
(05/21 20:15:49) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: ich weiss Schatz,. Ich weiss. ABer wir kommen nun.
(05/21 20:16:16) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Der Bahro? Meinst du das, Wheely?
(05/21 20:16:52) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: ja papa...sie sind so furchterregend...er war so nahe....
(05/21 20:17:11) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: Hat der Einsturz ihn auch getroffen? Ist er dort?
(05/21 20:18:05) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: W: er ist gegangen... er griff nach unseren Reltobuechern...ich dachte, er wuerde sie nehmen...
(05/21 20:18:34) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: E: und er ist nicht zurueckgekommen, nicht wahr? Er ist weg. Wir sind nun hier.
(05/21 20:19:08) ...Chat.log stopped. [/hide]

[hide= Chatlog vom 22.5.07]

(05/22 19:29:01) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: wheelys KI nist wieder an
(05/22 19:30:00) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: sie spricht, fragt: Dad bist du da?
(05/22 19:31:05) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Wheely: Dad..engber: Danke Gott, wheely
(05/22 19:32:03) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: ich bin so froh dich zu shen wie geht es dir haben lange nix von dir gehoert
(05/22 19:32:21) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: sie sagt dass es ihr gut geht und sie niht mher durstig ist
(05/22 19:32:51) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: engberg: ist stolz auf sie
(05/22 19:33:02) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Wheely: Augen sind immer noch da
(05/22 19:33:21) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Engberg : Okay
(05/22 19:33:52) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Wheely: Aber es geht mir gut, ich hoere die arbeiten
(05/22 19:33:59) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: wie nach seid ihr schon
(05/22 19:35:33) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Engberg: kannst du uns sagen was noch passiert ist
(05/22 19:36:16) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: W: nein, ich war so muede ich glaub ich hab geshlafen Rose ist imer noh da Sie ist tot. sie hat sich die ganze zeit nicht bewegt
(05/22 19:36:46) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: engber: es wird alles gut wir holen dich da raus
(05/22 19:37:17) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Engberg, kannst du uns sagen warum dein KI aus war? was ist passiert...wheely?
(05/22 19:38:12) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: engberg willow bist di da?
(05/22 19:39:35) Locutus: have fun
(05/22 19:39:52) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Wheely: es tut mir so leid fuer Rose sie liegt einfach nur da
(05/22 19:40:15) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Engberg: baby wir kommen wie geht es deinem bein
(05/22 19:40:46) From ireenquench in ireenquench's Nexus: Wheely : es tut immer noch weh aber es kribbelt nicht mehr und mein kopf tut nicht mehr weh

(05/22 19:45:16) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Ich leite nun die Ubersetzungen weiter von ireen

(05/22 19:45:37) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': ok neuster stand ist: wheely hat keinen durst mehr
(05/22 19:45:45) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': sie hort schon den rettungstrupp
(05/22 19:46:36) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': engberg: nur noch ein paar stunden
(05/22 19:47:48) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': sie hat angst vor den bahro augen und die tote rose liegt neben ihr
(05/22 19:48:44) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Wheey: die augen sind jetzt weg
(05/22 19:48:50) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Es bewegt sich in hier
(05/22 19:49:46) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Engberg: wheely was ist da los?
(05/22 19:49:58) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': E: bist du noch da? Laxman?
(05/22 19:51:22) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': engberg: anomalien? siehst du was die KI macht?
(05/22 19:52:38) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Engberg: Willow was ist passiert. Laxman sie ist immer noch da. ich habe keine Ahnung was los ist.
(05/22 19:54:52) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Laxman ihr Signal hat sich nicht bewegt, aber es meldete sich plotzlich aus verschiedenen Zeitaltern.
(05/22 19:55:00) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Engberg: mach die KI wieder an
(05/22 19:55:04) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': Laxman: ich probiers
(05/22 20:02:25) From Locutus in D'ni-Ae'gura': es scheint als ob engberg sie suche? erstmal keine news mehr

(05/22 21:03:17) Locutus: MS (Marie Sutherland): Ja, Babylonian. Etwas. Die Teams arbeiten in Schichten.
(05/22 21:03:20) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: unsere günstigsten Annahmen gehen von 6-8 Stunden aus, Essjay.
(05/22 21:05:17) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: mit Schwerpunkt auf "davon ausgehen"
(05/22 21:07:04) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: Ja, eine/r wurde auf der zweiten Ebene / auf dem zweiten Stock gefunden.
(05/22 21:07:24) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: Wir wissen nicht was es bedeutet.
(05/22 21:09:14) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: Die Rettungsteams wissen was sie tun. "Second guessing" hilft niemandem
(05/22 21:09:33) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: (keine Ahnung was second guessing heisst)
(05/22 21:09:40) From Garymuc in NULP's Bevin: besserwissen
(05/22 21:09:48) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: Danke :)
(05/22 21:11:06) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: TomahnaGuy fragt ob Wheely in irgendeiner potentiellen Gefahr schwebt, von dem Bahro ausgehend
(05/22 21:11:26) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: wir werden weiterhin unsere Ergebnisse per KI Mail bekanntgeben
(05/22 21:11:44) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: über sowas spekuliere ich nicht, TomahnaGuy
(05/22 21:11:52) From Mucol in D'ni-Ae'gura: MS: danke euch[/hide]

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

Zuletzt geändert von Susi281173 am 23.05.2007 - 09:05, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 23.05.2007 - 09:02 
Gründer - Founder
Gründer - Founder

Registriert: 18.02.2005 - 21:49
Beiträge: 5280
Bilder: 192
Wohnort: NRW
[hide=Chatlog vom 23.05.07]

05/23 00:33:16) Michael Engberg: It's alright. Don't look at the eyes.
(05/23 00:33:17) Michael Engberg: Look at us.
(05/23 00:33:17) Wheely: It's moving more now... I really think it's getting angrier or something!
(05/23 00:33:3 Wheely: And it's making more of those noises all the time!
(05/23 00:33:42) Michael Engberg: Just stay there. Where we can see you.
(05/23 00:34:46) Wheely: What if it comes toward me?
(05/23 00:35:02) Michael Engberg: Just stay there. We'll be there in minutes.
(05/23 00:37:15) Wheely: Dad? I know I'm sounding scared, but it's getting louder...
(05/23 00:37:53) Michael Engberg: It's okay to be scared. But you're strong babe.
(05/23 00:37:57) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:37:59) Wheely: It's the same noises, over and over.
(05/23 00:38:43) Michael Engberg: Babe, focus on me.
(05/23 00:38:49) Michael Engberg: Ignore it. We're coming.
(05/23 00:39:00) Wheely: It's a lot more than a whisper now. I can't ignore it!
(05/23 00:39:16) Michael Engberg: Just try. Look at me.
(05/23 00:39:22) Michael Engberg: Look at the hole.
(05/23 00:39:26) Michael Engberg: Look at us.
(05/23 00:39:41) Michael Engberg: Think about getting out.
(05/23 00:39:46) Michael Engberg: It won't be long now.
(05/23 00:40:05) Wheely: It's really starting to get freaked out...
(05/23 00:40:2 Michael Engberg: Look at me babe.
(05/23 00:40:34) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:40:53) Wheely: It's moving a lot! All over!
(05/23 00:40:54) Michael Engberg: We're getting there.
(05/23 00:41:35) Michael Engberg: Marie, how much longer?
(05/23 00:42:43) Wheely: That sound! Over and over! What is it? Dad, can you hear that?
(05/23 00:42:55) Marie Sutherland: Michael, we're moving as fast as we can. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes
(05/23 00:43:03) Michael Engberg: Yeah, babe. I can now.
(05/23 00:43:14) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:43:24) Michael Engberg: Ten minutes.
(05/23 00:43:31) Wheely: What is it saying? Can you tell?
(05/23 00:43:35) Michael Engberg: Okay, that's all. Ten minutes. We're right there.
(05/23 00:44:07) Michael Engberg: I don't think it's saying anything.
(05/23 00:44:35) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:44:51) Wheely: It sounds like "No" something?
(05/23 00:44:5 Wheely: Do you hear that?
(05/23 00:45:16) Michael Engberg: It's not saying anything real. It's just a sound.
(05/23 00:45:25) Michael Engberg: Just look at us.
(05/23 00:46:34) Michael Engberg: Wheely we're going to lower down and get you.
(05/23 00:46:47) Michael Engberg: I'm going to come down and get you. We have a rope here. The hole is almost big enough.
(05/23 00:46:57) Wheely: It keeps jumping around the room.
(05/23 00:46:59) Michael Engberg: Okay, babe? You hear me?
(05/23 00:47:02) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:47:09) Michael Engberg: We're coming. I'm coming.
(05/23 00:47:22) Wheely: I don't like this. This isn't right. Dad?
(05/23 00:47:34) Michael Engberg: I can hear it.
(05/23 00:47:39) Michael Engberg: Honey look at me.
(05/23 00:47:45) Wheely: Dad!
(05/23 00:47:50) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:48:22) Michael Engberg: Where's the rope?
(05/23 00:48:33) Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:48:37) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:48:42) Michael Engberg: Look. Ignore it.
(05/23 00:48:45) Michael Engberg: Ignore the sounds.
(05/23 00:48:51) Wheely: No...! It keeps saying no something. Over and over. Louder and louder!
(05/23 00:49:02) Michael Engberg: I know. I hear it.
(05/23 00:49:15) Michael Engberg: Baby listen to me. Listen to me!
(05/23 00:49:29) Michael Engberg: We're almost there.
(05/23 00:49:34) Michael Engberg: We're almost there.
(05/23 00:49:37) Michael Engberg: Marie!
(05/23 00:49:50) Wheely: "No...." something?
(05/23 00:49:59) Michael Engberg: Wheely, look at me.
(05/23 00:49:59) Wheely: "No....." something?
(05/23 00:50:10) Michael Engberg: Is that hole big enough now?
(05/23 00:50:22) Michael Engberg: C'mon I can make it down.
(05/23 00:50:27) Michael Engberg: Let me through.
(05/23 00:50:44) Marie Sutherland: we just need to get more of the rubble out of the way, or you're going to knock them down on her.
(05/23 00:50:51) Michael Engberg: I need to get down there.
(05/23 00:50:57) Wheely: "No....."
(05/23 00:50:5 Michael Engberg: Wheely, listen to me.
(05/23 00:51:01) Michael Engberg: Not it.
(05/23 00:51:14) Wheely: It's louder and louder. It's saying something....
(05/23 00:51:19) Michael Engberg: I know.
(05/23 00:51:31) Michael Engberg: Honey... we're here.
(05/23 00:51:36) Michael Engberg: We're right here.
(05/23 00:52:03) Wheely: He's freaking out! He won't stop moving. I'm scared!
(05/23 00:52:03) Michael Engberg: Tie me up right now!
(05/23 00:52:10) Michael Engberg: I'm going down.
(05/23 00:52:2 Michael Engberg: We have to go down!
(05/23 00:52:32) Wheely: "No..." something!
(05/23 00:52:39) Michael Engberg: Wheely look at me.
(05/23 00:53:07) Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:53:31) Wheely: "No... livin"? It sounds like no livin'.
(05/23 00:53:44) Michael Engberg: Just sounds.
(05/23 00:53:50) Wheely: What does that mean, Dad? Hurry!
(05/23 00:53:50) Michael Engberg: Just sounds honey. It doesn't talk.
(05/23 00:53:56) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:54:00) Michael Engberg: I'm coming.
(05/23 00:54:01) Wheely: Is it threatening me?
(05/23 00:54:11) Michael Engberg: It helped you last night.
(05/23 00:54:39) Wheely: Noloben! That's it!
(05/23 00:54:45) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Just look at me.
(05/23 00:54:4 Wheely: What does that mean?
(05/23 00:54:53) Michael Engberg: Nothing.
(05/23 00:54:56) Wheely: Why is it saying that?
(05/23 00:55:02) Michael Engberg: I don't know.
(05/23 00:55:14) Wheely: That's just an age, right Dad?
(05/23 00:55:30) Michael Engberg: Don't worry about that. We're about ready to come down.
(05/23 00:55:35) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:55:3 Wheely: Dad, get me out. This thing is mad or crazy!
(05/23 00:55:59) Michael Engberg: Move back from the hole just to be safe. I'm coming down.
(05/23 00:56:04) Michael Engberg: Here I come.
(05/23 00:56:12) Wheely: I'm stepping back but it's all over the place!
(05/23 00:56:15) Michael Engberg: Start lowering me down.
(05/23 00:56:1 Michael Engberg: Let's go.
(05/23 00:56:29) Michael Engberg: C'mon, what are we waiting for?
(05/23 00:56:33) Wheely: It's not liking this...
(05/23 00:56:47) Michael Engberg: Let's go. Here I come.
(05/23 00:56:4 Wheely: Noloben! It keeps saying Noloben louder and louder!
(05/23 00:57:33) Wheely: Dad?
(05/23 00:57:42) Michael Engberg: I'm just about there.
(05/23 00:57:50) Wheely: Dad!?
(05/23 00:58:27) Michael Engberg: WHEELY!
(05/23 00:58:41) Marie Sutherland: Engberg! Get back!
(05/23 00:58:4 Michael Engberg: Let me down! What are you doing?
(05/23 00:58:51) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:04) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Can you hear me?
(05/23 00:59:07) Marie Sutherland: Get someone else into the harness!
(05/23 00:59:31) Michael Engberg: Come back to the hole!
(05/23 00:59:39) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:5 Michael Engberg: Let me down there!
(05/23 01:00:0 ResEng233: OK. Ready! Let me down
(05/23 01:00:1 Michael Engberg: Where is she?
(05/23 01:00:32) Michael Engberg: 233 what is going on?
(05/23 01:00:36) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 01:00:43) ResEng233: Pull me up! Pull me up!
(05/23 01:00:56) Michael Engberg: Where's Wheely?
(05/23 01:01:12) ResEng233: Get me back up!
(05/23 01:01:13) Michael Engberg: What are you doing? DON"T PULL HIM UP!
(05/23 01:01:22) Michael Engberg: Where is she?
(05/23 01:01:26) Michael Engberg: What are you doing?
(05/23 01:01:40) ResEng233: She's gone. Get me up
(05/23 01:01:40) Michael Engberg: Put him back down there!
(05/23 01:01:50) Michael Engberg: What do you mean she's gone?
(05/23 01:02:23) Michael Engberg: I'm going down!
(05/23 01:02:36) ResEng233: She's still down there, but ... you don't want to see it.
(05/23 01:02:3 Michael Engberg: I have to go down!
(05/23 01:03:14) Michael Engberg: Wheely. Oh my god...
(05/23 01:03:1 Michael Engberg: No.
(05/23 01:03:21) Michael Engberg: No.
(05/23 01:03:30) Michael Engberg: Oh god.
(05/23 01:04:34) Cate Alexander: Laxman I want all DRC communication on a private channel! Now!
(05/23 01:05:07) ResEng233: I didn't sign up for this.
(05/23 01:05:17) Cate Alexander: I want medics down there right now!
(05/23 01:05:1 ResEng233: get me out of here
(05/23 01:05:21) Cate Alexander: Laxman!

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 23.05.2007 - 10:45 
Susi281173 hat geschrieben:
[hide=Chatlog vom 23.05.07]

05/23 00:33:16) Michael Engberg: It's alright. Don't look at the eyes.
(05/23 00:33:17) Michael Engberg: Look at us.
(05/23 00:33:17) Wheely: It's moving more now... I really think it's getting angrier or something!
(05/23 00:33:3 Wheely: And it's making more of those noises all the time!
(05/23 00:33:42) Michael Engberg: Just stay there. Where we can see you.
(05/23 00:34:46) Wheely: What if it comes toward me?
(05/23 00:35:02) Michael Engberg: Just stay there. We'll be there in minutes.
(05/23 00:37:15) Wheely: Dad? I know I'm sounding scared, but it's getting louder...
(05/23 00:37:53) Michael Engberg: It's okay to be scared. But you're strong babe.
(05/23 00:37:57) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:37:59) Wheely: It's the same noises, over and over.
(05/23 00:38:43) Michael Engberg: Babe, focus on me.
(05/23 00:38:49) Michael Engberg: Ignore it. We're coming.
(05/23 00:39:00) Wheely: It's a lot more than a whisper now. I can't ignore it!
(05/23 00:39:16) Michael Engberg: Just try. Look at me.
(05/23 00:39:22) Michael Engberg: Look at the hole.
(05/23 00:39:26) Michael Engberg: Look at us.
(05/23 00:39:41) Michael Engberg: Think about getting out.
(05/23 00:39:46) Michael Engberg: It won't be long now.
(05/23 00:40:05) Wheely: It's really starting to get freaked out...
(05/23 00:40:2 Michael Engberg: Look at me babe.
(05/23 00:40:34) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:40:53) Wheely: It's moving a lot! All over!
(05/23 00:40:54) Michael Engberg: We're getting there.
(05/23 00:41:35) Michael Engberg: Marie, how much longer?
(05/23 00:42:43) Wheely: That sound! Over and over! What is it? Dad, can you hear that?
(05/23 00:42:55) Marie Sutherland: Michael, we're moving as fast as we can. Maybe ten to fifteen minutes
(05/23 00:43:03) Michael Engberg: Yeah, babe. I can now.
(05/23 00:43:14) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:43:24) Michael Engberg: Ten minutes.
(05/23 00:43:31) Wheely: What is it saying? Can you tell?
(05/23 00:43:35) Michael Engberg: Okay, that's all. Ten minutes. We're right there.
(05/23 00:44:07) Michael Engberg: I don't think it's saying anything.
(05/23 00:44:35) Michael Engberg: Just look at me.
(05/23 00:44:51) Wheely: It sounds like "No" something?
(05/23 00:44:5 Wheely: Do you hear that?
(05/23 00:45:16) Michael Engberg: It's not saying anything real. It's just a sound.
(05/23 00:45:25) Michael Engberg: Just look at us.
(05/23 00:46:34) Michael Engberg: Wheely we're going to lower down and get you.
(05/23 00:46:47) Michael Engberg: I'm going to come down and get you. We have a rope here. The hole is almost big enough.
(05/23 00:46:57) Wheely: It keeps jumping around the room.
(05/23 00:46:59) Michael Engberg: Okay, babe? You hear me?
(05/23 00:47:02) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:47:09) Michael Engberg: We're coming. I'm coming.
(05/23 00:47:22) Wheely: I don't like this. This isn't right. Dad?
(05/23 00:47:34) Michael Engberg: I can hear it.
(05/23 00:47:39) Michael Engberg: Honey look at me.
(05/23 00:47:45) Wheely: Dad!
(05/23 00:47:50) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:48:22) Michael Engberg: Where's the rope?
(05/23 00:48:33) Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:48:37) Michael Engberg: Look at me.
(05/23 00:48:42) Michael Engberg: Look. Ignore it.
(05/23 00:48:45) Michael Engberg: Ignore the sounds.
(05/23 00:48:51) Wheely: No...! It keeps saying no something. Over and over. Louder and louder!
(05/23 00:49:02) Michael Engberg: I know. I hear it.
(05/23 00:49:15) Michael Engberg: Baby listen to me. Listen to me!
(05/23 00:49:29) Michael Engberg: We're almost there.
(05/23 00:49:34) Michael Engberg: We're almost there.
(05/23 00:49:37) Michael Engberg: Marie!
(05/23 00:49:50) Wheely: "No...." something?
(05/23 00:49:59) Michael Engberg: Wheely, look at me.
(05/23 00:49:59) Wheely: "No....." something?
(05/23 00:50:10) Michael Engberg: Is that hole big enough now?
(05/23 00:50:22) Michael Engberg: C'mon I can make it down.
(05/23 00:50:27) Michael Engberg: Let me through.
(05/23 00:50:44) Marie Sutherland: we just need to get more of the rubble out of the way, or you're going to knock them down on her.
(05/23 00:50:51) Michael Engberg: I need to get down there.
(05/23 00:50:57) Wheely: "No....."
(05/23 00:50:5 Michael Engberg: Wheely, listen to me.
(05/23 00:51:01) Michael Engberg: Not it.
(05/23 00:51:14) Wheely: It's louder and louder. It's saying something....
(05/23 00:51:19) Michael Engberg: I know.
(05/23 00:51:31) Michael Engberg: Honey... we're here.
(05/23 00:51:36) Michael Engberg: We're right here.
(05/23 00:52:03) Wheely: He's freaking out! He won't stop moving. I'm scared!
(05/23 00:52:03) Michael Engberg: Tie me up right now!
(05/23 00:52:10) Michael Engberg: I'm going down.
(05/23 00:52:2 Michael Engberg: We have to go down!
(05/23 00:52:32) Wheely: "No..." something!
(05/23 00:52:39) Michael Engberg: Wheely look at me.
(05/23 00:53:07) Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:53:31) Wheely: "No... livin"? It sounds like no livin'.
(05/23 00:53:44) Michael Engberg: Just sounds.
(05/23 00:53:50) Wheely: What does that mean, Dad? Hurry!
(05/23 00:53:50) Michael Engberg: Just sounds honey. It doesn't talk.
(05/23 00:53:56) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:54:00) Michael Engberg: I'm coming.
(05/23 00:54:01) Wheely: Is it threatening me?
(05/23 00:54:11) Michael Engberg: It helped you last night.
(05/23 00:54:39) Wheely: Noloben! That's it!
(05/23 00:54:45) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Just look at me.
(05/23 00:54:4 Wheely: What does that mean?
(05/23 00:54:53) Michael Engberg: Nothing.
(05/23 00:54:56) Wheely: Why is it saying that?
(05/23 00:55:02) Michael Engberg: I don't know.
(05/23 00:55:14) Wheely: That's just an age, right Dad?
(05/23 00:55:30) Michael Engberg: Don't worry about that. We're about ready to come down.
(05/23 00:55:35) Michael Engberg: We're coming.
(05/23 00:55:3 Wheely: Dad, get me out. This thing is mad or crazy!
(05/23 00:55:59) Michael Engberg: Move back from the hole just to be safe. I'm coming down.
(05/23 00:56:04) Michael Engberg: Here I come.
(05/23 00:56:12) Wheely: I'm stepping back but it's all over the place!
(05/23 00:56:15) Michael Engberg: Start lowering me down.
(05/23 00:56:1 Michael Engberg: Let's go.
(05/23 00:56:29) Michael Engberg: C'mon, what are we waiting for?
(05/23 00:56:33) Wheely: It's not liking this...
(05/23 00:56:47) Michael Engberg: Let's go. Here I come.
(05/23 00:56:4 Wheely: Noloben! It keeps saying Noloben louder and louder!
(05/23 00:57:33) Wheely: Dad?
(05/23 00:57:42) Michael Engberg: I'm just about there.
(05/23 00:57:50) Wheely: Dad!?
(05/23 00:58:27) Michael Engberg: WHEELY!
(05/23 00:58:41) Marie Sutherland: Engberg! Get back!
(05/23 00:58:4 Michael Engberg: Let me down! What are you doing?
(05/23 00:58:51) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:04) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Can you hear me?
(05/23 00:59:07) Marie Sutherland: Get someone else into the harness!
(05/23 00:59:31) Michael Engberg: Come back to the hole!
(05/23 00:59:39) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:5 Michael Engberg: Let me down there!
(05/23 01:00:0 ResEng233: OK. Ready! Let me down
(05/23 01:00:1 Michael Engberg: Where is she?
(05/23 01:00:32) Michael Engberg: 233 what is going on?
(05/23 01:00:36) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 01:00:43) ResEng233: Pull me up! Pull me up!
(05/23 01:00:56) Michael Engberg: Where's Wheely?
(05/23 01:01:12) ResEng233: Get me back up!
(05/23 01:01:13) Michael Engberg: What are you doing? DON"T PULL HIM UP!
(05/23 01:01:22) Michael Engberg: Where is she?
(05/23 01:01:26) Michael Engberg: What are you doing?
(05/23 01:01:40) ResEng233: She's gone. Get me up
(05/23 01:01:40) Michael Engberg: Put him back down there!
(05/23 01:01:50) Michael Engberg: What do you mean she's gone?
(05/23 01:02:23) Michael Engberg: I'm going down!
(05/23 01:02:36) ResEng233: She's still down there, but ... you don't want to see it.
(05/23 01:02:3 Michael Engberg: I have to go down!
(05/23 01:03:14) Michael Engberg: Wheely. Oh my god...
(05/23 01:03:1 Michael Engberg: No.
(05/23 01:03:21) Michael Engberg: No.
(05/23 01:03:30) Michael Engberg: Oh god.
(05/23 01:04:34) Cate Alexander: Laxman I want all DRC communication on a private channel! Now!
(05/23 01:05:07) ResEng233: I didn't sign up for this.
(05/23 01:05:17) Cate Alexander: I want medics down there right now!
(05/23 01:05:1 ResEng233: get me out of here
(05/23 01:05:21) Cate Alexander: Laxman!

Hier die Übersetzung, mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Mucol

Quelle: Uru Reallife Forum

[hide=Klicke hier um den Chatlog zu lesen](05/23 00:00:34) Wheely: Es macht wieder diese Redegeräusche, Dad.
(05/23 00:00:47) Michael Engberg: Das ist in Ordnung
(05/23 00:00:53) Michael Engberg: Es ist normal.
(05/23 00:01:20) Wheely: Das glaube ich nicht, Dad.
(05/23 00:02:0 Wheely: Und es bewegt sich die ganze Zeit. Ich glaube es ist nervös
(05/23 00:02:23) Michael Engberg: Da bin ich mir sicher. So wie du.
(05/23 00:02:34) Wheely: Was wenn es böse ist?
(05/23 00:02:45) Michael Engberg: Ich bin sicher es ist nur nervös?
(05/23 00:02:59) Michael Engberg: Ich glaube nicht, dass es böse ist.
(05/23 00:03:15) Michael Engberg: Es hat dir geholfen. Es wird nicht böse.
(05/23 00:04:24) Wheely: Ok dad.
(05/23 00:06:24) Wheely: Die Leute sagen ich soll mit dem Bahro reden. Ich möchte das nicht, Dad. Es bewegt sich und redet nun ständig.
(05/23 00:06:40) Michael Engberg: Du musst nicht mit ihm reden. Es gibt keinen Grund.
(05/23 00:06:52) Michael Engberg: Konzentrier dich nur auf uns. Wir kommen näher.
(05/23 00:07:0 Wheely: Es wird lauter.
(05/23 00:22:20) Wheely: Ich hab was getrunken. Aber ich brauchte es nicht.
(05/23 00:25:39) Wheely: Es bewegt sich nun mehr, Dad?
(05/23 00:26:09) Michael Engberg: Ist in Ordnung.
(05/23 00:26:42) Michael Engberg: Wir brauchen noch etwa 30 Minuten.
(05/23 00:26:46) Michael Engberg: Das ist nichts.
(05/23 00:26:49) Michael Engberg: Fast da.
(05/23 00:26:56) Wheely: Da ist was Dad!
(05/23 00:27:04) Michael Engberg: Was?
(05/23 00:27:11) Wheely: Ich mag es einfach nicht!
(05/23 00:27:32) Michael Engberg: Ich weiss. Aber 30 Minuten sind nichts.
(05/23 00:27:41) Michael Engberg: Wir sind im Handumdrehen da.
(05/23 00:28:20) Wheely: Wieso ist es die ganze Zeit da. Das ist nicht richtig.
(05/23 00:28:49) Michael Engberg: Ich weiss nicht. Aber es hat dir nichts getan. Es ist nicht da um dir wehzutun.
(05/23 00:29:13) Wheely: Es macht noch immer diese gleichen Geräusche….
(05/23 00:29:20) Michael Engberg: Konzentrier dich einfach auf das Loch. Es wird größer. Siehst du?
(05/23 00:29:50) Michael Engberg: Ist dort nun mehr Licht?
(05/23 00:30:4 Wheely: Ich sehe es Papa, aber der Bahro macht mich so nervös.
(05/23 00:31:30) Michael Engberg: Bleib einfach von ihm weg.
(05/23 00:31:47) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir. Schau zu uns.
(05/23 00:31:57) Wheely: Diese Augen schauen immer auf mich….
(05/23 00:32:47) Michael Engberg: Ist in Ordnung. Schau nicht in die Augen.
(05/23 00:33:00) Michael Engberg: Schau zu uns.
(05/23 00:33:07) Wheely: Es bewegt sich nun stärker… Ich glaube wirklich es wird wütender oder sowas!
(05/23 00:33:43) Wheely: Und es macht die ganze Zeit mehr von diesen Geräuschen!
(05/23 00:33:4 Michael Engberg: Bleib einfach wo du bist. Wo kannst du uns sehen.
(05/23 00:34:47) Wheely: Was, wenn es zu mir kommt?
(05/23 00:35:04) Michael Engberg: Bleib einfach. Wir sind in ein paar Minuten da.
(05/23 00:37:16) Wheely: Dad? Ich weiss, ich kling panisch, aber es wird lauter….
(05/23 00:37:55) Michael Engberg: Es ist ok Angst zu haben. Aber du bist stark, Schatz.
(05/23 00:37:5 Michael Engberg: Wir kommen.
(05/23 00:38:01) Wheely: Die gleichen Geräusche, wieder und wieder.
(05/23 00:38:44) Michael Engberg: Schatz, konzentrier dich auf mich.
(05/23 00:38:51) Michael Engberg: Ignorier es. Wir kommen.
(05/23 00:39:01) Wheely: Es ist nun deutlich mehr als ein Wispern. Ich kann es nicht ignorieren!
(05/23 00:39:17) Michael Engberg: Versuch's. Schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:39:24) Michael Engberg: Schau zum Loch.
(05/23 00:39:2 Michael Engberg: Schau zu uns
(05/23 00:39:43) Michael Engberg: Denk daran rauszukommen.
(05/23 00:39:47) Michael Engberg: Es dauert nun nicht mehr lange.
(05/23 00:40:06) Wheely: Es wird panisch….
(05/23 00:40:29) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir Schatz.
(05/23 00:40:36) Michael Engberg: Nur zu mir.
(05/23 00:40:55) Wheely: Es bewegt sich ständig! Überall!
(05/23 00:40:56) Michael Engberg: Wir kommen.
(05/23 00:41:37) Michael Engberg: Marie, wie lang noch?
(05/23 00:42:44) Wheely: Diese Geräusche! Immer wieder! Was ist das? Kannst du das hören, Papa?
(05/23 00:42:57) Marie Sutherland: Michael, wir arbeiten so schnell wir können. Vielleicht 10, 15 Minuten
(05/23 00:43:05) Michael Engberg: Ja Schatz. Ich hör's.
(05/23 00:43:16) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:43:25) Michael Engberg: 10 Minuten.
(05/23 00:43:33) Wheely: Was sagt es? Weißt du das?
(05/23 00:43:36) Michael Engberg: Okay, das ist alles. 10 Minuten. Wir sind fast da.
(05/23 00:44:09) Michael Engberg: Ich glaube nicht, dass es was spezielles sagt.
(05/23 00:44:36) Michael Engberg: Schau einfach zu mir.
(05/23 00:44:52) Wheely: Es klingt so in der Art wie "no"?
(05/23 00:45:00) Wheely: Hörst du das?
(05/23 00:45:1 Michael Engberg: Er sagt keine richtigen Worte. Es ist nur ein Klang.
(05/23 00:45:27) Michael Engberg: Schau zu uns.
(05/23 00:46:36) Michael Engberg: Wheely wir kommen runter und holen dich.
(05/23 00:46:4 Michael Engberg: Ich komme nun runter und hol dich. Wir haben ein Seil hier. Das Loch ist groß genug.
(05/23 00:46:5 Wheely: Es hüpft im Raum rum.
(05/23 00:47:00) Michael Engberg: Okay, Schatz? Hörst du mich?
(05/23 00:47:03) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:47:10) Michael Engberg: Wir kommen. Ich komme.
(05/23 00:47:23) Wheely: Ich mag das nicht. Da stimmt was nicht, Dad?
(05/23 00:47:35) Michael Engberg: Ich kann es hören.
(05/23 00:47:40) Michael Engberg: Liebling sieh zu mir.
(05/23 00:47:46) Wheely: Dad!
(05/23 00:47:51) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:48:23) Michael Engberg: Wo ist das Seil?
(05/23 00:48:34) Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:48:39) Michael Engberg: Schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:48:43) Michael Engberg: Schau. Ignorier ihn.
(05/23 00:48:46) Michael Engberg: Ignorier die Geräusche.
(05/23 00:48:53) Wheely: "No"...! Es sagt "nein" zu mir. Wieder und wieder. Lauter und lauter!
(05/23 00:49:03) Michael Engberg: Ich weiss. Ich hör's.
(05/23 00:49:17) Michael Engberg: Baby hör auf mich. Hör auf mich!
(05/23 00:49:30) Michael Engberg: Wir sind gleich da.
(05/23 00:49:36) Michael Engberg: Wir sind gleich da.
(05/23 00:49:3 Michael Engberg: Marie!
(05/23 00:49:52) Wheely: "No...." noch was?
(05/23 00:50:01) Michael Engberg: Wheely, schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:50:01) Wheely: "No....." noch was?
(05/23 00:50:12) Michael Engberg: Ist das Loch nun groß genug?
(05/23 00:50:24) Michael Engberg: Los, ich geh runter.
(05/23 00:50:2 Michael Engberg: Lasst mich durch.
(05/23 00:50:46) Marie Sutherland: wir müssen noch mehr Steine wegräumen, sonst löst du sie aus und sie fallen auf sie.
(05/23 00:50:52) Michael Engberg: Ich muss runter.
(05/23 00:50:5 Wheely: "No....."
(05/23 00:50:59) Michael Engberg: Wheely, hör auf mich.
(05/23 00:51:03) Michael Engberg: Nicht auf ihn.
(05/23 00:51:15) Wheely: Es wird lauter und lauter. Es sagt irgendwas….
(05/23 00:51:20) Michael Engberg: Ich weiss.
(05/23 00:51:32) Michael Engberg: Liebling… wir sind hier.
(05/23 00:51:37) Michael Engberg: Wir sind gleich da.
(05/23 00:52:05) Wheely: Er flippt aus! Er hört nicht auf rumzurennen. Ich hab Angst!
(05/23 00:52:05) Michael Engberg: Bindet mich nun fest!
(05/23 00:52:12) Michael Engberg: Ich geh runter.
(05/23 00:52:30) Michael Engberg: Wir müssen runter!
(05/23 00:52:34) Wheely: "No..." noch was!
(05/23 00:52:41) Michael Engberg: Wheely schau zu mir.
(05/23 00:53:0 Michael Engberg: Wheely.
(05/23 00:53:33) Wheely: "No... Leben"? Es klingt wie "no Leben".
(05/23 00:53:45) Michael Engberg: Klingt nur so.
(05/23 00:53:51) Wheely: Was hat das zu bedeuten Papa? Beeil dich!
(05/23 00:53:52) Michael Engberg: Klingt nur so, Schatz. Es redet nicht.
(05/23 00:53:5 Michael Engberg: Wir kommen.
(05/23 00:54:01) Michael Engberg: Ich komme.
(05/23 00:54:02) Wheely: Droht es mir?
(05/23 00:54:12) Michael Engberg: Es hat dir letzte Nacht geholfen.
(05/23 00:54:40) Wheely: Noloben! Das ist es.
(05/23 00:54:46) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Konzentrier dich ganz auf mich.
(05/23 00:54:49) Wheely: Was bedeutet das?
(05/23 00:54:54) Michael Engberg: Nichts.
(05/23 00:54:57) Wheely: Warum sagt es sowas?
(05/23 00:55:03) Michael Engberg: Ich weiss nicht.
(05/23 00:55:15) Wheely: Das ist ein Zeitalter, richtig Papa?
(05/23 00:55:31) Michael Engberg: Kümmer dich nicht drum. Wir können nun runterkommen.
(05/23 00:55:36) Michael Engberg: Wir kommen.
(05/23 00:55:39) Wheely: Papa, hol mich raus. Das Ding ist verrückt oder durchgedreht!
(05/23 00:56:00) Michael Engberg: Tritt unter dem Loch beiseite. Ich komm runter.
(05/23 00:56:05) Michael Engberg: Es geht los.
(05/23 00:56:14) Wheely: Ich trete zurück aber es ist überall!
(05/23 00:56:16) Michael Engberg: Lasst mich runter.
(05/23 00:56:19) Michael Engberg: Los.
(05/23 00:56:30) Michael Engberg: Los, worauf warten wir?
(05/23 00:56:34) Wheely: Es mag das nicht…
(05/23 00:56:4 Michael Engberg: Also los. Ich komme.
(05/23 00:56:49) Wheely: Noloben! Es sagt Noloben lauter und lauter!
(05/23 00:57:35) Wheely: Dad?
(05/23 00:57:43) Michael Engberg: Ich bin gleich da.
(05/23 00:57:52) Wheely: Dad!?
(05/23 00:58:2 Michael Engberg: WHEELY!
(05/23 00:58:45) Marie Sutherland: Engberg! Geh zurück!
(05/23 00:58:50) Michael Engberg: Lasst mich runter! Was tut ihr?
(05/23 00:58:53) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:06) Michael Engberg: Wheely! Kannst du mich hören?
(05/23 00:59:09) Marie Sutherland: Legt jemand anderem das Gurtzeug an!
(05/23 00:59:33) Michael Engberg: Komm zurück zum Loch!
(05/23 00:59:41) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 00:59:59) Michael Engberg: Lasst mich runter!
(05/23 01:00:10) ResEng233: OK. Fertig! Lasst mich runter
(05/23 01:00:14) Michael Engberg:
(05/23 01:00:20) Michael Engberg: Wo ist sie?
(05/23 01:00:33) Michael Engberg: 233 was passiert?
(05/23 01:00:37) Michael Engberg: Wheely!
(05/23 01:00:45) ResEng233: Zieht mich hoch! Zieht mich hoch!
(05/23 01:00:57) Michael Engberg: Wo ist Wheely?
(05/23 01:01:14) ResEng233: Holt mich hoch!
(05/23 01:01:15) Michael Engberg: Was tut ihr? NICHT HOCHZIEHEN!
(05/23 01:01:24) Michael Engberg: Wo ist sie?
(05/23 01:01:2 Michael Engberg: Was tut ihr?
(05/23 01:01:41) ResEng233: Es ist vorbei. Zieht mich hoch
(05/23 01:01:41) Michael Engberg: Schickt ihn runter!
(05/23 01:01:52) Michael Engberg: Was meinst du "es ist vorbei"?
(05/23 01:02:29) Michael Engberg: Ich geh runter!
(05/23 01:02:37) ResEng233: Sie ist noch da unten, aber… das wollt ihr nicht sehen.
(05/23 01:02:40) Michael Engberg: Ich muss da runter!
(05/23 01:03:1 Michael Engberg: Wheely. Oh mein Gott…
(05/23 01:03:19) Michael Engberg: Nein.
(05/23 01:03:22) Michael Engberg: Nein.
(05/23 01:03:35) Michael Engberg: Oh Gott.
(05/23 01:04:35) Cate Alexander: Laxman, ich will, dass die ganze DRC Gespräche nun über Privatchannel laufen. Jetzt!
(05/23 01:05:09) ResEng233: Für sowas werde ich nicht bezahlt.
(05/23 01:05:1 Cate Alexander: Ich möchte jetzt Ärzte da unten haben!
(05/23 01:05:20) ResEng233: lasst mich raus
(05/23 01:05:22) Cate Alexander: Laxman![/hide]

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Log (Sharper only) from his speech in the DZS Bevin

Click to reveal spoiler.

(05/23 14:19:32) Douglas Sharper: Alright.
(05/23 14:20:05) Douglas Sharper: I will start from the beginning.
(05/23 14:20:24) Douglas Sharper: First, I'm so sorry.
(05/23 14:20:36) Douglas Sharper: I've heard the news.
(05/23 14:20:52) Douglas Sharper: I'm sick for the girls.
(05/23 14:21:00) Douglas Sharper: For Engberg.
(05/23 14:21:56) Douglas Sharper: I mean no disrespect to Michael. I need to make that clear.
(05/23 14:22:23) Douglas Sharper: I am not here for fame.
(05/23 14:22:34) Douglas Sharper: I don't want to be here.
(05/23 14:23:00) Douglas Sharper: But I must tell the story.
(05/23 14:23:09) Douglas Sharper: For us all.
(05/23 14:23:19) Douglas Sharper: I only hope it helps.
(05/23 14:23:33) Douglas Sharper: Somehow. I don't know how.
(05/23 14:23:49) Douglas Sharper: I should not be alive right now.
(05/23 14:24:12) Douglas Sharper: I am a hunter. I have been in dangerous situations.
(05/23 14:24:26) Douglas Sharper: I should not
(05/23 14:24:47) Douglas Sharper: god.
(05/23 14:25:20) Douglas Sharper: I should not be here.
(05/23 14:25:46) Douglas Sharper: As you know, I had built a blind.
(05/23 14:26:14) Douglas Sharper: It was ideal for looking at the creature. The Urwin.
(05/23 21:26:45) Douglas Sharper: She didn't show for the first night.
(05/23 21:26:5Cool Douglas Sharper: She came back the second night.
(05/23 21:27:16) Douglas Sharper: Acting strange. Tension was in the air.
(05/23 21:27:34) Douglas Sharper: I have felt it before. I recognized it.
(05/23 21:28:02) Douglas Sharper: Something watching.
(05/23 21:28:07) Douglas Sharper: She could feel it too.
(05/23 21:28:1Cool Douglas Sharper: She was nervous.
(05/23 21:28:44) Douglas Sharper: Eventually fell asleep.
(05/23 21:28:55) Douglas Sharper: She did. I was in and out. Sleep, awake.
(05/23 21:29:14) Douglas Sharper: She slept soundly all night.
(05/23 21:29:36) Douglas Sharper: Morning came and it was gone.
(05/23 21:29:51) Douglas Sharper: Like morning does everyting felt fine.
(05/23 21:30:1Cool Douglas Sharper: The tension had vanished. She was eating.
(05/23 21:30:24) Douglas Sharper: Smelling.
(05/23 21:30:51) Douglas Sharper: Relaxed.
(05/23 21:31:14) Douglas Sharper: I was caught off guard when it hit.
(05/23 21:31:26) Douglas Sharper: So was she.
(05/23 21:31:45) Douglas Sharper: I have never seen anything move like that.
(05/23 21:31:5Cool Douglas Sharper: My god. I've seen fast predators.
(05/23 21:32:35) Douglas Sharper: It was like an explosion.
(05/23 21:33:05) Douglas Sharper: She was dead in an instant.
(05/23 21:33:51) Douglas Sharper: The Bahro stood there looking at her.
(05/23 21:34:20) Douglas Sharper: In a flash it was draggin her head.
(05/23 21:34:30) Douglas Sharper: Quiet!
(05/23 21:34:51) Douglas Sharper: I'm not done.
(05/23 21:35:05) Douglas Sharper: Far from it.
(05/23 21:35:27) Douglas Sharper: It left with her head. I waited. It was different than the other kills.
(05/23 21:36:02) Douglas Sharper: The body was intact.
(05/23 21:36:3Cool Douglas Sharper: The head was what we had seen.
(05/23 21:36:49) Douglas Sharper: Shredded.
(05/23 21:37:22) Douglas Sharper: An easy trail. Blood on grass.
(05/23 21:37:32) Douglas Sharper: I waited for a while.
(05/23 21:37:54) Douglas Sharper: And started following it.
(05/23 21:38:17) Douglas Sharper: Sent Nick a message. You all heard it.
(05/23 21:38:29) Douglas Sharper: The hunter was the hunted.
(05/23 21:38:54) Douglas Sharper: I followed it for a few hours.
(05/23 21:39:05) Douglas Sharper: Staying far back. But close enough.
(05/23 21:39:25) Douglas Sharper: Miles.
(05/23 21:39:55) Douglas Sharper: Eventually I saw the head, what was left of it, in the distance.
(05/23 21:40:29) Douglas Sharper: Sitting there.
(05/23 21:41:04) Douglas Sharper: No Bahro.
(05/23 21:41:1Cool Douglas Sharper: I picked a good spot and waited.
(05/23 21:41:30) Douglas Sharper: I don't know how long.
(05/23 21:41:35) Douglas Sharper: Hours.
(05/23 21:41:57) Douglas Sharper: My gut told me to leave. But I didn't.
(05/23 21:42:13) Douglas Sharper: The tension was back. It was silent.
(05/23 21:42:37) Douglas Sharper: But I wanted to see the head. Pictures.
(05/23 21:42:54) Douglas Sharper: I waited.
(05/23 21:43:19) Douglas Sharper: I felt sick.
(05/23 21:43:5Cool Douglas Sharper: Look at my watch. Five til Seven. I knew it was a trap.
(05/23 21:44:11) Douglas Sharper: I knew I had to get out of there.
(05/23 21:44:2Cool Douglas Sharper: Get back to the blind.
(05/23 21:44:4Cool Douglas Sharper: I stood up and saw them.
(05/23 21:45:15) Douglas Sharper: At least thrity. Maybe dozens.
(05/23 21:45:35) Douglas Sharper: I don't know how long they had been sitting there.
(05/23 21:45:51) Douglas Sharper: Toying with me.
(05/23 21:45:54) Douglas Sharper: Probably the whole time.
(05/23 21:46:21) Douglas Sharper: Watching me, watching the head.
(05/23 21:46:36) Douglas Sharper: I didn't try to run.
(05/23 21:47:17) Douglas Sharper: I had seen what one Bahro could do. Thirty was no hope.
(05/23 21:47:36) Douglas Sharper: I knew I couldn't even get to my Relto.
(05/23 21:48:09) Douglas Sharper: I remembered the scenes I had seen.
(05/23 21:48:31) Douglas Sharper: I prepared to die. A grisly death.
(05/23 21:48:52) Douglas Sharper: I remember a scream.
(05/23 21:49:06) Douglas Sharper: Loud. Piercing.
(05/23 21:49:19) Douglas Sharper: I figured they were charging.
(05/23 21:50:07) Douglas Sharper: But there was another Bahro behind them.
(05/23 21:51:00) Douglas Sharper: I'm sure it was only an instant.
(05/23 21:51:12) Douglas Sharper: But I remember details.
(05/23 21:51:29) Douglas Sharper: Chaos.
(05/23 21:51:39) Douglas Sharper: Bahro everywhere.
(05/23 21:52:04) Douglas Sharper: In the skies, on the ground, in the trees...
(05/23 21:52:32) Douglas Sharper: I know now it was a war.
(05/23 21:53:11) Douglas Sharper: They were vanishing appearing slashing
(05/23 21:53:33) Douglas Sharper: Battle. All over.
(05/23 21:54:10) Douglas Sharper: I can see it now.
(05/23 21:54:33) Douglas Sharper: It was raging all around me.
(05/23 21:54:4Cool Douglas Sharper: I thought I had a moment to get to my Relto.
(05/23 21:55:05) Douglas Sharper: I was wrong.
(05/23 21:55:25) Douglas Sharper: they are so fast. Deadly.
(05/23 21:55:36) Douglas Sharper: When they want to be.
(05/23 21:56:05) Douglas Sharper: Two were coming for me. Before I linked.
(05/23 21:56:39) Douglas Sharper: Two more appeared from the sky.
(05/23 21:56:52) Douglas Sharper: Fell on top of me.
(05/23 21:57:06) Douglas Sharper: Saved my life.
(05/23 21:57:23) Douglas Sharper: It was black but I could hear them.
(05/23 21:57:33) Douglas Sharper: Until it was silent.
(05/23 21:57:54) Douglas Sharper: I don't know how much time had passed.
(05/23 21:58:34) Douglas Sharper: I came to in Relto. The violence was behind me.
(05/23 21:59:21) Douglas Sharper: I am shaken. I have heard about Wheely.
(05/23 22:00:01) Douglas Sharper: I don't know what else to say.
(05/23 22:00:13) Douglas Sharper: I am
(05/23 22:00:27) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.
(05/23 22:00:44) Douglas Sharper: I am happy to be alive.
(05/23 22:01:10) Douglas Sharper: I am broken at the news here.
(05/23 22:01:40) Douglas Sharper: I don't know.

Auch wenn mein English nicht soo gut ist. Es muss grausam gewesen sein . Ich denke das in Noloben etwas nicht stimmt und deshalb die Bahros so reagieren.

Gruß Susi

Quelle MO:UL Forum

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.05.2007 - 08:20 
Meister - Master
Meister - Master

Registriert: 23.06.2006 - 21:15
Beiträge: 414
Wohnort: Dresden
(05/23 14:19:32) Douglas Sharper: In Ordnung.
(05/23 14:20:05) Douglas Sharper: Ich fange am Anfang an.
(05/23 14:20:24) Douglas Sharper: Zuerst, es tut mir so leid.
(05/23 14:20:36) Douglas Sharper: Ich habe die Neuigkeiten gehört.
(05/23 14:20:52) Douglas Sharper: Ich fühle mich schlecht wegen der Mädchen.
(05/23 14:21:00) Douglas Sharper: Wegen Engberg.
(05/23 14:21:56) Douglas Sharper: Ich meine keine Respektlosigkeit Michael gegenüber. Ich muss das hier klarstellen.
(05/23 14:22:23) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin nicht hier wegen des Ruhmes.
(05/23 14:22:34) Douglas Sharper: Ich möchte nicht hier sein.
(05/23 14:23:00) Douglas Sharper: Aber ich muss die Geschichte erzählen.
(05/23 14:23:09) Douglas Sharper: Für uns alle.
(05/23 14:23:19) Douglas Sharper: Ich hoffe nur, es hilft.
(05/23 14:23:33) Douglas Sharper: Irgendwie. Ich weiß es nicht.
(05/23 14:23:49) Douglas Sharper: Ich sollte eigentlich nicht mehr leben.
(05/23 14:24:12) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin ein Jäger. Ich war schon in gefährlichen Situationen.
(05/23 14:24:26) Douglas Sharper: Ich sollte nicht....
(05/23 14:24:47) Douglas Sharper: Gott
(05/23 14:25:20) Douglas Sharper: Ich sollte nicht hier sein.
(05/23 14:25:46) Douglas Sharper: Wie ihr wisst, hab ich ein Versteck gebaut.
(05/23 14:26:14) Douglas Sharper: Es war ideal zum Beobachten des Tieres. Des Urwins.
(05/23 21:26:45) Douglas Sharper: Sie tauchte in der ersten Nacht nicht auf.
(05/23 21:26:5Cool Douglas Sharper: Sie kam in der zweiten Nacht zurück.
(05/23 21:27:16) Douglas Sharper: Verhielt sich seltsam. Spannung lag in der Luft.
(05/23 21:27:34) Douglas Sharper: Ich hab es schon vorher gespürt. Ich bemerkte es.
(05/23 21:28:02) Douglas Sharper: Irgendwas beobachtete.
(05/23 21:28:07) Douglas Sharper: Sie konnte es auch fühlen.
(05/23 21:28:1Cool Douglas Sharper: Sie war nervös.
(05/23 21:28:44) Douglas Sharper: Schließlich schlief sie ein.
(05/23 21:28:55) Douglas Sharper: Sie schlief. Ich war drin und draußen. Schlief, wachte auf.
(05/23 21:29:14) Douglas Sharper: Sie schlief die ganze Nacht geräuschvoll.
(05/23 21:29:36) Douglas Sharper: Der Morgen kam und es war verschwunden.
(05/23 21:29:51) Douglas Sharper: Wie Morgens sich eben alles gut anfühlt.
(05/23 21:30:1Cool Douglas Sharper: Die Spannung war verschwunden. Sie fraß.
(05/23 21:30:24) Douglas Sharper: Riechend.
(05/23 21:30:51) Douglas Sharper: Entspannt.
(05/23 21:31:14) Douglas Sharper: Ich wurde überrascht, als es zuschlug.
(05/23 21:31:26) Douglas Sharper: Sie war auch überrascht.
(05/23 21:31:45) Douglas Sharper: Ich habe noch nie etwas sich so bewwegen gesehen.
(05/23 21:31:5Cool Douglas Sharper: Mein Gott, ich habe schnelle Räuber gesehen.
(05/23 21:32:35) Douglas Sharper: Es war wie eine Explosion.
(05/23 21:33:05) Douglas Sharper: Sie war sofort tot.
(05/23 21:33:51) Douglas Sharper: Der Bahro stand dort und schaute sie an.
(05/23 21:34:20) Douglas Sharper: Im Nu schleppte er ihren Kopf weg.
(05/23 21:34:30) Douglas Sharper: Still!
(05/23 21:34:51) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin noch nicht fertig.
(05/23 21:35:05) Douglas Sharper: Noch lange nicht.
(05/23 21:35:27) Douglas Sharper: Er verschwand mit ihrem Kopf. Ich wartete. Es war anderes als die anderen Tötungen/Morde.
(05/23 21:36:02) Douglas Sharper: Der Körper war intakt.
(05/23 21:36:3Cool Douglas Sharper: Den Kopf konnten wir sehen.
(05/23 21:36:49) Douglas Sharper: Zerrissen.
(05/23 21:37:22) Douglas Sharper: Eine einfache Spur. Blut im Gras.
(05/23 21:37:32) Douglas Sharper: Ich wartete eine Weile.
(05/23 21:37:54) Douglas Sharper: Und begann ihm zu folgen.
(05/23 21:38:17) Douglas Sharper: Schickte Nick eine Nachricht. Ihr habt das alle gehört.
(05/23 21:38:29) Douglas Sharper: Der Jäger wurde zum Gejagten.
(05/23 21:38:54) Douglas Sharper: Ich folgte ihm ein paar Stunden.
(05/23 21:39:05) Douglas Sharper: Blieb weit zurück. Aber nah genug.
(05/23 21:39:25) Douglas Sharper: Meilen.
(05/23 21:39:55) Douglas Sharper: Schließlich sah ich den Kopf, das was davon noch übrig war, in der Ferne.
(05/23 21:40:29) Douglas Sharper: Lag einfach dort.
(05/23 21:41:04) Douglas Sharper: Kein Bahro.
(05/23 21:41:1Cool Douglas Sharper: Ich suchte mir einen guten Fleck und wartete.
(05/23 21:41:30) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht, wie lange.
(05/23 21:41:35) Douglas Sharper: Stunden.
(05/23 21:41:57) Douglas Sharper: Mein Bauch sagte mir, ich soll verschwinden. Aber ich tat es nicht.
(05/23 21:42:13) Douglas Sharper: Die Spannung war zurück. Es war still.
(05/23 21:42:37) Douglas Sharper: Aber ich wollte den Kopf sehen. Bilder machen.
(05/23 21:42:54) Douglas Sharper: Ich wartete.
(05/23 21:43:19) Douglas Sharper: Ich fühlte mich schlecht
(05/23 21:43:5Cool Douglas Sharper: Schaute auf meine Uhr. Fünf vor Sieben. Ich wusste, es war eine Falle.
(05/23 21:44:11) Douglas Sharper: Ich wusste, ich musste von dort fort.
(05/23 21:44:2Cool Douglas Sharper: Zurück zum Versteck.
(05/23 21:44:4Cool Douglas Sharper: Ich stand auf und sah sie.
(05/23 21:45:15) Douglas Sharper: Mindestens 30. Möglicherweise Dutzende.
(05/23 21:45:35) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht, wie lange die dort schon saßen.
(05/23 21:45:51) Douglas Sharper: Spielten mit mir.
(05/23 21:45:54) Douglas Sharper: Wahrscheinlich schon die ganze Zeit.
(05/23 21:46:21) Douglas Sharper: Beobachteten mich, beobachteten den Kopf.
(05/23 21:46:36) Douglas Sharper: Ich versuchte nicht, wegzurennen.
(05/23 21:47:17) Douglas Sharper: Ich hatte gesehen, was ein bahro tun konnte. Bei 30 hatte ich keine Chance.
(05/23 21:47:36) Douglas Sharper: Ich wusste, ich könnte nicht einmal in mein Relto gelangen.
(05/23 21:48:09) Douglas Sharper: Ich erinnerte mich an die Szenen, die ich gesehen hatte.
(05/23 21:48:31) Douglas Sharper: Ich bereitete mich auf meinen Tod vor. Einen grausigen Tod.
(05/23 21:48:52) Douglas Sharper: Ich erinnere mich an einen Schrei.
(05/23 21:49:06) Douglas Sharper: Laut. Durchdringend.
(05/23 21:49:19) Douglas Sharper: Ich erkannte, daß sie sich auf den Angriff einstellten.
(05/23 21:50:07) Douglas Sharper: Aber da waren andere Bahro hinter ihnen.
(05/23 21:51:00) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin mir sicher, es was nur ein Augenblick.
(05/23 21:51:12) Douglas Sharper: Aber ich erinnere mich an Einzelheiten.
(05/23 21:51:29) Douglas Sharper: Chaos.
(05/23 21:51:39) Douglas Sharper: Bahro überall.
(05/23 21:52:04) Douglas Sharper: Im Himmel, am Boden und in den Bäumen...
(05/23 21:52:32) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß, es war ein Krieg.
(05/23 21:53:11) Douglas Sharper: Sie verschwanden – erschienen – schlitzten auf
(05/23 21:53:33) Douglas Sharper: Kampf. Überall.
(05/23 21:54:10) Douglas Sharper: Ich sehe es noch immer vor mir.
(05/23 21:54:33) Douglas Sharper: Es tobt überall um mich herum.
(05/23 21:54:4Cool Douglas Sharper: Ich dachte, ich könnte einen Moment nutzen, in mein Relto zu gelangen.
(05/23 21:55:05) Douglas Sharper: Ich lag falsch.
(05/23 21:55:25) Douglas Sharper: Sie waren so schnell. Tödlich.
(05/23 21:55:36) Douglas Sharper: Wenn sie es wollen.
(05/23 21:56:05) Douglas Sharper: Zwei kamen auf mich zu. Bevor ich linken konnte.
(05/23 21:56:39) Douglas Sharper: Zwei weitere erschienen vom Himmel.
(05/23 21:56:52) Douglas Sharper: Fielen auf mich drauf.
(05/23 21:57:06) Douglas Sharper: Retteten mein Leben.
(05/23 21:57:23) Douglas Sharper: Es war dunkel, aber ich konnte sie hören.
(05/23 21:57:33) Douglas Sharper: Bis es still wurde.
(05/23 21:57:54) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht, wieviel Zeit vergangen war.
(05/23 21:58:34) Douglas Sharper: Ich kam in Relto zu mir. Die Gewalt lag hinter mir.
(05/23 21:59:21) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin erschüttert. Ich habe von Wheely gehört.
(05/23 22:00:01) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht, was ich noch sagen soll.
(05/23 22:00:13) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin...
(05/23 22:00:27) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht.
(05/23 22:00:44) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin froh, am Leben zu sein.
(05/23 22:01:10) Douglas Sharper: Ich bin verzweifelt über die hiesigen Neuigkeiten.
(05/23 22:01:40) Douglas Sharper: Ich weiß nicht.

Es ist nicht perfekt, aber naja...

Schlimme Geschichte. :?

Och komma jetze, mach ma 'n Punkt!!!

Zuletzt geändert von Mara32 am 24.05.2007 - 11:59, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.05.2007 - 11:55 
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Registriert: 24.08.2005 - 16:45
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Wohnort: Dortmund
Mara32 hat geschrieben:
Es ist nicht perfekt, aber naja...

Von wegen, Mara. Das ist klasse übersetzt! Du triffst genau den Sinn, ich hab keine Fehler entdeckt.

"I figured they were charging" bedeutet in etwa:
"Ich erkannte, daß sie sich auf den Angriff einstellten" (im Sinne von "zum Sprung bereit" oder auch "kurz davor waren").

Hier könnte etwas Sinnvolles stehen, zum Beispiel eine leckere Tasse Kaffee.
KI: #03995170

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.05.2007 - 11:58 
Meister - Master
Meister - Master

Registriert: 23.06.2006 - 21:15
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Wohnort: Dresden
Danke für die Blumen, Tach :oops: Bin nicht mehr so im Training mit dem Übersetzen. Aber ich möchte gern weitermachen.

Und danke für die Anmerkung zu dem fehlenden Satz, ich ändere das rein... :hello2:

Och komma jetze, mach ma 'n Punkt!!!

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.05.2007 - 12:03 
Gründer - Founder
Gründer - Founder

Registriert: 18.02.2005 - 21:49
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Danke für die Übersetzung :D Mara !! Schön wenn viele helfen :D

Gruß Susi

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

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 Betreff des Beitrags:
BeitragVerfasst: 24.05.2007 - 20:32 
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Gründer - Founder

Registriert: 18.02.2005 - 21:49
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Hier ein kurzer Log von ireen in der Nulp Hood

(05/24 21:17:25) ireenquench: Ich weiss nicht mehr ob ich es genau zusammenbekomme

(05/24 21:17:45) ireenquench: Minkata wird wie geplant heute abend eroeffnet
(05/24 21:18:06) ireenquench: In Erinnerung an die, die ihr leben fuer di restauration gelassen haben
(05/24 21:18:27) Qvist claps his hands
(05/24 21:18:42) ireenquench: Engeberg ist weiterhin weg, sie erwarten dass er zurueckkommt, wenn es ihm wieder besser geht
(05/24 21:18:54) Mucol: weiss man wo er ist?
(05/24 21:19:16) ireenquench: es sei bezeichnend dass das wort "minkata" "stark vernarb" hiesse
(05/24 21:21:14) ireenquench: aufzugeben hiesse der trauer nachzugeben
(05/24 21:21:30) ireenquench: es gaebe dinge die man nicht kontrollieren koenne
(05/24 21:21:43) ireenquench: aber man wuerde weiter machen mit dem was man kann

(05/24 21:22:23) ireenquench: auch um die zu ehren, die ihr leben fuer die restauration gelebt haben
(05/24 21:22:51) ireenquench: das wars im prinzip

Hier noch der Link zum orginal Chatlog

Chatlog von Cate

Gruß Susi

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

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 Betreff des Beitrags: Chatlog Laxman 23.07. 21:30
BeitragVerfasst: 23.06.2007 - 21:00 
Meister - Master
Meister - Master

Registriert: 09.11.2006 - 19:05
Beiträge: 466
Bilder: 9
(06/23 21:16:38) Chat.log started...
(06/23 21:16:44) leeloo: i think you won't have to move Mr laxman, everyone is coming to you ;)
(06/23 21:16:47) Victor Laxman: Looks like the city is quite full today.
(06/23 21:17:00) From Garymuc in NULP's Bevin: finde ich auch
(06/23 21:17:01) SuperGram.: Hi Victor
(06/23 21:17:01) Noah17: uuuuh yeah lil but lol
(06/23 21:17:07) sil_oh_wet: yes, thank you for raising the limit
(06/23 21:17:37) SuperGram.: Hi Jimbo
(06/23 21:17:40) To Kai-Uwe: kann leider nicht vorlesen, hab kein headset :-(
(06/23 21:17:58) Josh: Shorah Mr. Laxman
(06/23 21:17:58) To Kai-Uwe: viel "Hi Victor" und so...
(06/23 21:18:00) Jimbo: Hi SG
(06/23 21:18:19) Thend: Nice to see you again Mr Laxman
(06/23 21:18:35) SuperGram.: Anyone know where Laxman is?
(06/23 21:18:53) Butch: Well away from the stairs.
(06/23 21:19:00) Victor Laxman: We've made some good progress lately, with the Great Zero.
(06/23 21:19:12) Sc1234freak: Where is Laxman?
(06/23 21:20:15) Victor Laxman: The calibration process seemed to suddenly spike last week.
(06/23 21:20:51) To Kai-Uwe: Laxman freut sich ueber Fortschritte in GZ und dankt allen fuer ihr Engagement
(06/23 21:22:13) VoiZod: jj
(06/23 21:23:35) TomahnaGuy: shorah Mr laxman
(06/23 21:23:36) Victor Laxman: The deaths in the cavern have affected everyone, but we are moving forward.
(06/23 21:24:14) To Kai-Uwe: L: the deads in the cavern have affected everyone, but we are moving forward
(06/23 21:24:22) Victor Laxman: We will turn on the Great Zero tomorrow. Should be quite an event.
(06/23 21:24:44) TomahnaGuy: I look forward to th GZ event!
(06/23 21:25:10) To Kai-Uwe: We will turn on GZ tomorrow. Should be quite an event.
(06/23 21:25:14) TomahnaGuy: sorry got to go everyone. Bye Mr Laxman!
(06/23 21:25:44) Victor Laxman: We'll activate that next Great Zero stage at about 4:00 cavern time.
(06/23 21:25:58) d'ni everything: Head Cheese NO hello?
(06/23 21:26:13) Victor Laxman: Yes pm. Sorry.
(06/23 21:26:14) To Kai-Uwe: We'll activate that next GZ stage at about 4:00 cavern time
(06/23 21:26:45) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: "Victor Laxman: We will turn on the Great Zero tomorrow. Should be quite an event."
(06/23 21:26:46) Sc1234freak: So 16:00 cavern time?
(06/23 21:26:56) Whisper waves hello
(06/23 21:27:08) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: "We'll activate that next Great Zero stage at about 4:00 pm cavern time"
(06/23 21:27:29) Erik: Mr. Laxman, what will be the next stage of the calibration?
(06/23 21:27:36) VoiZod: new city sounds
(06/23 21:27:45) Victor Laxman: It should be interesting. I'd encourage your attendance.
(06/23 21:28:05) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: "Laxman" It should be interesting. I'd encourage your attendance."
(06/23 21:28:23) Deledrius: What effects do you expect this to have on our activities in the Cavern?
(06/23 21:29:18) Victor Laxman: I believe all of the instances will be activated. But that is somehting that can be unpredictable.
(06/23 21:29:51) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "I believe all of the instances will be activated. But that is something that can be unpredictable."
(06/23 21:30:20) VoiZod: the Guild hall ever be open to explorers?
(06/23 21:31:33) Victor Laxman: I would encourage you all to continue the markers. Just to be sure.
(06/23 21:32:02) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "I would encourage yo uall to contine markers. Just to be sure.
(06/23 21:32:16) Victor Laxman: And there is a new KI marker feature as well - because of this progress.
(06/23 21:32:39) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "And there is a new KI marker feature as well - because of this progress."
(06/23 21:32:41) VoiZod: which is....
(06/23 21:33:56) Erik: Today, I was in the cave behind Gahreesen's journey door. The Bahro there were really active. Much more than usual and they sounded really scary. Do you think this is anything of significance, Mr. Laxman?
(06/23 21:34:10) Victor Laxman: Yes. Marker quests that anyone can create.
(06/23 21:34:34) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "Yes. Marker quests that anyone can create."
(06/23 21:34:35) Victor Laxman: Should be interesting.
(06/23 21:34:48) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "should be interesting."
(06/23 21:36:41) Thend: Mr Laxman, on Erik's question, I experienced that too. Gahreesen's wildlife and the Bahros in the Cave there being agitated. Any concerns?
(06/23 21:36:53) Victor Laxman: The Great Zero was used for both KI coordinates and for surveying, I believe.
(06/23 21:37:21) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "The Great Zero was used for both KI coordinates and for surveying, I believe."
(06/23 21:37:56) VoiZod: and protection
(06/23 21:38:59) Eric Wolfe stretches
(06/23 21:39:09) Victor Laxman: Regarding the Bahro... we are watching events carefully. Their activity level has changed quite a bit.
(06/23 21:39:44) Rusty_Russell: Does anyone know what the bahro eat?
(06/23 21:39:44) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: Regarding the Bahro... we are watching events carefully. Their activity level has changed quite a bit."
(06/23 21:39:47) Victor Laxman: We're not sure what to expect.
(06/23 21:39:48) Janine: Mr. Laxman, can you elaborate on that a bit more, concerning the Bahro??
(06/23 21:39:53) Eric Wolfe: Mangos!
(06/23 21:39:56) Thend: Thank You Mr Laxman. Any information on that in future would be very appreciated
(06/23 21:40:07) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman:"We're not sure what to expect."
(06/23 21:40:23) Whilyam: Should Explorers stay away from the caves?
(06/23 21:40:26) Jimbo: Mr. Laxman is it true u were a demolition expert in the british army?
(06/23 21:41:21) Victor Laxman: Their activity level has decreased here in the cavern, but in other ages that is not the case.
(06/23 21:41:26) Falmer: je vois josue
(06/23 21:41:40) Erik: Interesting.. thanks Mr Laxman
(06/23 21:41:48) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman"Their activity level has decreased here in the cavern, but in other ages that is not the case."
(06/23 21:41:50) Victor Laxman: But we're not sure what it all means.
(06/23 21:41:56) Rusty_Russell: Perhaps we need to stock up with mangoes then?
(06/23 21:42:00) Falmer: mais pas toi helo
(06/23 21:42:04) Butch: What kinds of activites are being observed in the other ages, Mr Laxman?
(06/23 21:42:08) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "But we're not sure what it all means."
(06/23 21:42:10) Erik: Have you investigated what the Bahro meant by saying "Noloben"?
(06/23 21:42:15) Eric Wolfe: Mr. Laxman, did you have an announcement?
(06/23 21:42:22) Falmer: vieux truc de marin
(06/23 21:43:08) Victor Laxman: Some ages have substantial Bahro activity. Particularly ones the explorers can't get to yet.
(06/23 21:43:20) Whilyam: Anything dangerous?
(06/23 21:43:40) Victor Laxman: Probably better that way. We're staying away from those ages for now.
(06/23 21:43:56) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "Some ages have substantial Bahro activity. Particularly ones the explorers can't get to yet.
(06/23 21:44:01) Whilyam: Any Ages we know of you're avoiding now?
(06/23 21:44:11) Butch: Can we assume that ResEng are monitoring the situation in those ages?
(06/23 21:44:12) Joshi: Does that apply to Er'cana?
(06/23 21:44:20) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "Probably better that way. We're staying away from those ages for now."
(06/23 21:44:21) Serephina: Mr. Laxman, have the DRC tried to communicate with the Bahro at all?
(06/23 21:44:31) Josue: Vous allez bien
(06/23 21:44:55) Josue: Je n ose plus bouger
(06/23 21:45:02) Cameron Hewlett: Dr. Laxman, have the Bahro become violent?
(06/23 21:45:13) Victor Laxman: I have to say that it makes some of us on the DRC worried, but we're trying not to restrict areas.
(06/23 21:45:24) Jimbo: Mr. Laxman, why is it u dont care to comment on ur past
(06/23 21:45:24) Josue: Thoe kente
(06/23 21:45:32) VoiZod: Is there any books or information found in the exavation that tells more about the Bahro
(06/23 21:45:37) From Mara32 in NULP's Bevin: hi minna
(06/23 21:45:43) From Mara32 in NULP's Bevin: ups
(06/23 21:45:47) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "I have to say that it makes some of us on the DRC worried, but we're trying not to restrict areas.
(06/23 21:45:52) Josue: Le grand zero est activer demain a 11 h
(06/23 21:46:00) Thend: Mr Laxman, could this be tied into Noblen somehow? The Age and what went on there? And has the DRC tried communicting with the Bahro?
(06/23 21:46:08) Victor Laxman: After all, you are all here because you want to be.
(06/23 21:46:15) Whilyam: Mr. Laxman, what ages on the DRC site now delayed because of Bahro activity?
(06/23 21:46:31) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "After all, you are all here because you want to be."
(06/23 21:46:57) Mystified: Is there anything we can do to help?
(06/23 21:47:09) From Locutus in NULP's Bevin: yep, uber die nachbarnliste
(06/23 21:47:31) Victor Laxman: The Bahro seem to communicate visually. But they're gutteral screams may also be part of how they communicate.
(06/23 21:47:53) Janine: Mr. Laxman...how so visually??
(06/23 21:47:56) Sc1234freak: Can you put the cones back in the neighborhood, Mr.Laxman?
(06/23 21:48:05) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman:"The bahro seem to communicate visually. But they're gutteral screams may also be part of how they communicate."
(06/23 21:48:17) Whilyam: SC, they ARE in the neighborhoods
(06/23 21:48:24) Victor Laxman: We're not delaying any age releases because of Bahro activity.
(06/23 21:48:26) Altydwarber: no don't do that
(06/23 21:48:34) Thend: Mr Laxman, has anyone in the DRC received a KImail from ireenquench regarding the symbol found by Nick in Negilahn and the one in the 2nd floor of the Pub? Can you confirm if the symbol in the KImail is accurate?
(06/23 21:48:47) Altydwarber: I mean not in the city
(06/23 21:48:47) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "We're not delaying any age releases because of Bahro activity."
(06/23 21:48:47) Rusty_Russell: Not in 'hood Ae'gura though, Whilyam
(06/23 21:48:59) From bri12.24. in bri12.24.'s Relto: Hallo nachbarn wie geht es euch
(06/23 21:49:03) Whilyam: That's not the neighborhood, then..
(06/23 21:49:14) From Rima in NULP's Bevin: hallo bri
(06/23 21:49:30) Josue: Ho
(06/23 21:49:41) VoiZod: we need to find a tablet
(06/23 21:49:55) Songe: mr Laxman Have you seen Bahro yourself ?
(06/23 21:50:04) VoiZod: so that we may try to communicate with the Bahro
(06/23 21:50:12) From bri12.24. in bri12.24.'s Relto: was macht ihr sind die neuen buech schon da
(06/23 21:50:33) Victor Laxman: I have seen Bahro on several occasions. Have any of you seen Bahro?
(06/23 21:50:40) Whilyam: Yes.
(06/23 21:50:44) J'yala: yes
(06/23 21:50:46) Calliope: i have :)
(06/23 21:50:48) Sc1234freak: No.
(06/23 21:50:49) From Brigitte in NULP's Bevin: Bri komm in die Bevin, hier wird uebersetzt was in der Stadt passiert
(06/23 21:50:50) NuVanDibe: i have not seen any bahro.
(06/23 21:50:52) Casolai: me too :)
(06/23 21:50:52) Dalken Starbyne: Not up close.
(06/23 21:51:01) Rusty_Russell: Once in the hoo
(06/23 21:51:01) Whilyam: Particularly around the time of the incident with Wheely.
(06/23 21:51:07) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "I have seen Bahro on several occasions. Have any of you seen Bahro?"
(06/23 21:51:08) Mar'ith: Yes - at the cleft
(06/23 21:51:12) Dalken Starbyne: Once from a distance...the rest in images.
(06/23 21:51:17) leeloo shakes her head
(06/23 21:51:32) Whilyam: Victor, has the DRC finished it's investigation into Wheely's death?
(06/23 21:51:36) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: (viele sagt "nein")
(06/23 21:51:50) Eric Wolfe: Is there a fix for the Nexus yet so people that lost their Great Zero link can get there tomorrow?
(06/23 21:51:55) From bri12.24. in bri12.24.'s Relto: Hallo brigitte wie geht es dir hast du mit pia 123 gesprochen
(06/23 21:52:41) From bri12.24. in bri12.24.'s Relto: Verzeiung meinte brigitte
(06/23 21:52:59) Tofer: I saw a Bharo in my Neighborhood book room once.. it didn't look freightening..
(06/23 21:53:03) Songe: Do the Bahro scare you, Mr Laxman?
(06/23 21:53:13) Victor Laxman: We've finished a good portion. I think we'll be investigating and considering for a long time.
(06/23 21:53:19) Thend: Mr Laxman, will the DRC release any translations Nick made of the Minkata stone, and can you confirm the description and possible significance of the symbol in Negilahn and the 2nd floor of the Pub?
(06/23 21:54:18) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Whilyam fragt: "Victor, has the DRC finished its investigation into Wheely's death?"
(06/23 21:54:30) VoiZod: only seen what I thought was 2 small glowing eyes looking at me from that dark boarded off doorway on the stripmall , I looked again and they were gone
(06/23 21:54:44) From HeadCheese in D'ni-Ae'gura: Laxman: "We've finished a good portion. I think we'll be considering for a long time."
(06/23 21:54:56) Tofer: Mr. Laxman, does the DRC have any plans to restore Noloben?
(06/23 21:55:17) Mystified: and he's gone
(06/23 21:55:22) Songe: poof
(06/23 21:55:24) Altydwarber: oh
(06/23 21:55:25) Rusty_Russell: I think we lost him
(06/23 21:55:29) Josue: C y est )partit
(06/23 21:55:32) Casolai: stack crash
(06/23 21:55:34) Casolai: hehe
(06/23 21:55:36) Sc1234freak: Noooooooo.
(06/23 21:55:37) Songe: Lol
(06/23 21:55:44) lightkeeper: oops laxman stack dump?
(06/23 21:55:53) Eric Wolfe: Not exactly forthcoming with info anyway...
(06/23 21:55:57) Thend: Good grief
(06/23 21:55:57) Mar'ith: lol
(06/23 21:55:59) Rusty_Russell: He seems to have crashed
(06/23 21:56:04) ...Chat.log stopped.

Ich weiss wie Wurst gemacht wird!
Aber ich esse trotzdem welche... :)

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Danke für das Chatlog, Ambi.
Hatte mich erst geärgert, daß ich gestern keine Gelegenheit hatte, zum Beginn der Story dabeizusein. Aber scheint ja noch nicht so viel zu passieren.

Hier könnte etwas Sinnvolles stehen, zum Beispiel eine leckere Tasse Kaffee.
KI: #03995170

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Hier ein übersetztes Chatlog von Cates Zusammentreffen mit den Forschern gestern (23. Juni 2007):

(06/23 21:34:51 ) Chat.log started...
(06/23 21:34:51 ) Rekam: Ich hoffe, Cate gesellt sich zu uns...
(06/23 21:34:59 ) Illuvatar: Sie ist bereits hier, glaub ich. lol
(06/23 21:35:02 ) Dakro: Cate Alexander ist hier, jawoll!
(06/23 21:35:04 ) d'ni everything: cate ist hier
(06/23 21:35:05 ) Migo: Shorah Frau Alexander
(06/23 21:35:08 ) Xavius: Moment, Cate ist hier?
(06/23 21:35:12 ) Xavius schaut sich um
[diverse Begrüssungsworte]
(06/23 21:35:25 ) Cate Alexander: Guten Abend. Es sieht nach einer Party aus.
(06/23 21:35:28 ) groan: shorah Cate
(06/23 21:35:30 ) AKA nickt
(06/23 21:35:32 ) Mystified klatscht
(06/23 21:35:32 ) Gurev waves hello
(06/23 21:35:33 ) Xavius: Ich sehe durch diesen Berg von "Lag" und diese planlose Mischung von Forschern garnichts mehr.
(06/23 21:35:34 ) Serephina: Shorah Cate
(06/23 21:35:34 ) dthurner1: Shorah Ms. Alexander
[weitere Begrüssungsworte]
(06/23 21:35:36 ) Dakro: Nun, JETZT ist es eine Party, Cate
(06/23 21:35:39 ) Xavius: Ah, ich sollte jetzt aufhören zu jammern, hui..
(06/23 21:35:43 ) Captain Adventure: Fräulein Alexander scheint spät zu arbeiten :)
(06/23 21:35:59 ) Rekam: Tatsächlich, Parties sind toll.
(06/23 21:36:13 ) Gurev: Entschuldigt, wenn ich schonmal etwas herumforsche.
(06/23 21:36:28 ) Di Gama: eine Ehre Dich zu treffen
(06/23 21:37:12 ) Xavius: Ich bin der, der danach fragte, ob Laxman Franzose ist!
(06/23 21:37:33 ) Dakro: Dank von uns allen, Cate, diesen Bereich für Forscher zugänglich zu machen
(06/23 21:37:35 ) Rekam: Laxman ist Franzose?
(06/23 21:37:46 ) Xavius: Also, nein, augenscheinlich nicht.
(06/23 21:37:50 ) Cate Alexander: Lass ihn das besser nicht hören.
(06/23 21:37:57 ) Nine-O-Nine beginnt zu lachen
[Lachen, Dankesworte, Klatschen, Jubel]
(06/23 21:38:02 ) Serephina dankt Cate und dem DRC
(06/23 21:38:09 ) AKA: dieser ort kommt gut
(06/23 21:38:15 ) Cate Alexander: Ich bin erfreut zu sehen, daß alle dieses Heiligtum (Zufluchtsstätte ) geniessen.
(06/23 21:38:15 ) Illuvatar klatscht seine Ohren
[Klatschen, danke]
(06/23 21:38:41 ) Cate Alexander: Ich wollte eigentlich schon eher auftauchen und Euch vorwarnen, dass es schon kommt, aber ich wurde aufgehalten.
(06/23 21:38:58 ) Cate Alexander: Es sind geschäftige Zeiten.
(06/23 21:39:04 ) Tayrtahn: naja, die Überraschung war auch spassig
(06/23 21:39:09 ) Ashtar: Es erinnert mich an die Zeiten vorangegangener Restaurationsphasen und all die Aktivitäten
(06/23 21:39:09 ) Rekam: Neuigkeiten von Engberg?
(06/23 21:39:12 ) Darryl Pogue: Wir lieben Überraschungen
(06/23 21:39:29 ) Di Gama: toll 'ne wichtige Person zu treffen
(06/23 21:39:47 ) Andros: Nun bist Du hier, Cate. Das ist die Hauptsache.
(06/23 21:40:05 ) Cate Alexander: Es gibt keine Neuigkeiten bezüglich Engberg.
(06/23 21:40:16 ) Cate Alexander: Wir werden nicht sehr viel länger warten können.
(06/23 21:40:18 ) Migo: Wie können wir helfen, Frau Alexander?
(06/23 21:40:26 ) Aaron Alexander: Warten worauf?
(06/23 21:40:42 ) Cate Alexander: Um ehrlich zu sein, ist gerade nicht der richtige Zeitpunkt für mich, diese Frage zu beantworten.
(06/23 21:40:43 ) Rekam: Ich denke, wir wünschen alle das Beste für ihn.
(06/23 21:40:53 ) Cate Alexander: Natürlich.
(06/23 21:41:03 ) Xavius fühlt seine Ohren aus Vorfreude schlackern
(06/23 21:41:03 ) Andros: Wie man so sagt, die Show muss weitergehen...
(06/23 21:41:05 ) dthurner1: Ich werde weiter nach ihm suchen!
(06/23 21:41:18 ) Cate Alexander: Natürlich.
(06/23 21:41:29 ) Tayrtahn: Denkt ihr darüber nach, jemanden anzuheuern, um Engbergs Platz auszufüllen?
(06/23 21:41:35 ) Nyrphame Danilaise: Wo sollten wir suchen?
(06/23 21:41:39 ) ianpare: was ist mit den Schreien der Bahro
(06/23 21:41:44 ) Cate Alexander: Auf die eine oder andere Art... ja.
(06/23 21:42:46 ) Cate Alexander: Ich sollte Euch sagen, daß Er'Cana Dienstag oder Mittwoch freigegeben wird.
(06/23 21:42:47 ) Di Gama: gebt ihm etwas mehr Zeit
(06/23 21:42:52 ) Xavius cheers
(06/23 21:42:54 ) Illuvatar: Juchee!
(06/23 21:42:56 ) Cate Alexander: Wir sind nicht ganz sicher, wann genau.
(06/23 21:42:57 ) Dakro cheers
(06/23 21:43:09 ) Illuvatar: Dienstag klingt besser :)
(06/23 21:43:12 ) Xavius: Wenn der erste blaue Mond aufgeht..
(06/23 21:43:17 ) ~~meadow~~: gute Neuigkeiten!
(06/23 21:43:29 ) Cate Alexander: Es ist schön (tut gut), neue Bereiche zu sehen.
(06/23 21:43:30 ) AKA: grossartige Neuigkeiten Cate...danke sehr
(06/23 21:43:40 ) Cate Alexander: Natürlich. Ich wünschte, ich könnte mehr tun.
(06/23 21:43:40 ) ianpare: sweet
(06/23 21:43:47 ) Cate Alexander: Ich wünschte, wir könnten mehr tun.
(06/23 21:43:49 ) Darryl Pogue: Weiss jemand was über die aktuelle Besucherzahl? Ich glaube, wir sind bei einem neuen Rekord
(06/23 21:43:51 ) Illuvatar: Ihr Leute macht das gut
(06/23 21:44:07 ) Reverend Vader: Es waren 97 bevor ich reinlinkte.
(06/23 21:44:08 ) Nyrphame Danilaise: Sollten wir eine systematische Suche organisieren?
(06/23 21:44:14 ) Dakro: Ja ich hoffe ihr fühlt Euch nie so, als würde Eurer Werk nicht genügend geschätzt
(06/23 21:44:18 ) Tayrtahn: 134 vor 'ner Stunde oder so
(06/23 21:44:20 ) ~~meadow~~: Frau alexander, was hat Sharper so gemacht?
(06/23 21:44:24 ) Akiva: Wir waren bei 137 vorher
(06/23 21:44:36 ) Cate Alexander: Er kann es Euch selbst sagen. Er war forschen.
(06/23 21:44:45 ) TweekSpire: Wird der DRC irgendwann diese kleinen Kämmerchen im Heiligtum des Beobachters öffnen?
(06/23 21:44:46 ) ianpare: kämpfen die Bahro noch
(06/23 21:44:56 ) Cate Alexander: Wir hoffen darauf.
(06/23 21:44:59 ) Di Gama: Kannst Du die Hütchen zurückbringen?
(06/23 21:45:05 ) Xavius: o.0
(06/23 21:45:06 ) Tayrtahn: sind Heek-Tische in diesen Kammern versteckt? :)
(06/23 21:45:09 ) Cate Alexander: Es gibt keinen Grund dafür. (Hütchen)
(06/23 21:45:10 ) TweekSpire: menno diese KI "away" Nachricht is nervig >.<
(06/23 21:45:24 ) Cate Alexander: Ich bin nicht sicher, ob die Hütchen jemanden wirksam zurückgehalten haben.
(06/23 21:45:28 ) Reverend Vader: (Hütchen erhöhen nur den "Lag" in der Stadt, Di Gama.)
(06/23 21:45:37 ) Cate Alexander: Tatsächlich bin ich sicher, sie haben niemanden abgehalten.
(06/23 21:45:40 ) Di Gama: aber sie machten SPASS!!!
(06/23 21:45:41 ) To TweekSpire: schreib ein Ticket (so wie ich)
(06/23 21:45:41 ) Xavius: Ja, aber Hütchen sind toll.
(06/23 21:45:41 ) F14Squall macht Faxen
(06/23 21:45:43 ) Cate Alexander: Wirklich wertlos.
(06/23 21:45:44 ) Illuvatar: Lol
(06/23 21:45:46 ) ~~meadow~~: Cate, denkst Du, dass diese Beobachterstätte ein Ort sein wird, an dem der DRC nun öfter erscheint, um mit uns zu reden?
(06/23 21:45:49 ) Migo: :-)
(06/23 21:46:03 ) Cate Alexander: Wenn ihr das möchtet...
(06/23 21:46:17 ) ~~meadow~~: danke!! das wär toll Cate!
(06/23 21:46:21 ) Xavius: Denkst Du, ihr könntet Hologramme auf dieses Teil legen?
(06/23 21:46:26 ) Xavius taps Imager with his foot
(06/23 21:46:48 ) Cate Alexander: Wir haben ein Bild vom Beobachter, das wir draufbringen wollten. Technische Schwierigkeiten.
(06/23 21:47:06 ) Reverend Vader: "Der" Beobachter? [was hier nicht "Die" (feminin ) ausschliesst]
(06/23 21:47:08 ) Di Gama: Ihr wisst wie er aussieht?
(06/23 21:47:20 ) Cate Alexander: Es gibt da ein altes D'ni-Kunstwerk.
(06/23 21:47:28 ) Tayrtahn: oh, very cool [muss ich nicht übersetzen, oder?]
(06/23 21:47:28 ) sil_oh_wet: Oh wow [dito]
(06/23 21:47:28 ) Dakro: Cate, what do you think about the situation in Negilahn?
(06/23 21:47:28 ) Reverend Vader: Wirklich?
(06/23 21:47:34 ) Reverend Vader: Ein Mann oder eine Frau?
(06/23 21:47:37 ) Cate Alexander: Natürlich haben wir keine Möglichkeit zu wissen, ob es treffend ist oder nicht.
[Vermutungen, Fragen]
(06/23 21:47:44 ) Aaron Alexander: Cate, an welchen Bereichen arbeitet der DRC, um sie die nächsten Monate zu öffnen?
(06/23 21:48:19 ) Cate Alexander: Wir haben ein neues Zeitalter... Ich finde es sehr interessant.
(06/23 21:48:30 ) Reverend Vader: Nicht Ercana?
(06/23 21:48:32 ) Cate Alexander: Es geht damit sehr gut voran.
(06/23 21:48:44 ) Di Gama: Der Beobachter ist ein Mann
(06/23 21:48:52 ) Cate Alexander: Aber noch ein Monat bis dahin, würde ich sagen.
(06/23 21:48:53 ) Shana waves hello
(06/23 21:48:59 ) Dakro: Wie heisst es?
(06/23 21:48:59 ) ~~meadow~~: Ich schicke Dir eine Einladung zum neuen Zeitalter, Cate, wenn es dann kommt, Du kannst mit mir in meines kommen!!! :)
(06/23 21:49:00 ) Xavius cheers
(06/23 21:49:04 ) Akiva: Kannst Du einen Hinweis geben, was es im neuen Zeitalter geben wird?
(06/23 21:49:08 ) Cate Alexander: Wir arbeiten auch an Ahnonay.
(06/23 21:49:11 ) Haruko: Habt ihr einen Namen für das neue Zeitalter?
(06/23 21:49:19 ) Rekam: Wer ist das auf dem Gemälde im Museum?
(06/23 21:49:20 ) Cate Alexander: Haben wir. Jalak.
(06/23 21:49:23 ) ianpare: jubel
(06/23 21:49:29 ) Reverend Vader: Ah, ein Neues neben Ahnonay...!
[diverse Diskussion]
(06/23 21:49:39 ) Xavius: BrettM hat was über die Gemälde im Museum gemacht, frag ihn mal.
(06/23 21:49:45 ) S3035: Ist das Zeitalter auf der Restaurationsliste der DRC-Seite?
(06/23 21:49:49 ) Herohtar: Jalak ist das neue Zeitalter? [ja]
(06/23 21:49:50 ) Andros: Frau Alexander... wie ist die finanzielle Situation zur Restauration? Habt ihr mehr Geld zur Verfügung als letzten Monat, weil die Freigabe von Minkata ein Erfolg war?
(06/23 21:49:55 ) Cate Alexander: Darüber weiss ich nichts.
(06/23 21:50:01 ) Xavius: OoO, Jalak.
(06/23 21:50:06 ) Cate Alexander: Wir sind mit der Unterhaltung (Aktuellhaltung ) etwas hinterher.
(06/23 21:50:13 ) Cate Alexander: Auf der Seite.
(06/23 21:50:14 ) sil_oh_wet: Jalak?
(06/23 21:50:28 ) TweekSpire: Ich weiss einen guten Webmaster... mich <.<
(06/23 21:50:33 ) Darryl Pogue: lol
(06/23 21:50:38 ) Reverend Vader: In der Tat!~
(06/23 21:50:45 ) S3035: lol
(06/23 21:50:57 ) MikeFitz: Frau Alexander, ich bin MikeFitz, URU Action News - Gibt es Neuigkeiten zum Bahro Bürgerkrieg?
(06/23 21:50:59 ) ianpare: Kannst Du die Gildenhalle schon öffnen
(06/23 21:51:15 ) Cate Alexander: Der Bahro Bürgerkrieg?
(06/23 21:51:24 ) Cate Alexander: Quite a question. [versteh ich nicht]
(06/23 21:51:30 ) Reverend Vader: Sharper hat vielleicht schon ermittelt?
(06/23 21:51:33 ) Cate Alexander: Nein. Ich habe keine Neuigkeiten.
(06/23 21:51:42 ) Reverend Vader: Oder bleibt er den Bahro lieber fern?
(06/23 21:51:43 ) TweekSpire wonders how to identify the Bahro from the Bahronoir
(06/23 21:51:49 ) Cate Alexander: Die Bahro weihen mich in ihre Pläne nicht ein.
(06/23 21:51:50 ) MikeFitz: Laut Berichten von Sharper gibt es Kämpfe zwischen Gruppen der Bahro?
(06/23 21:52:00 ) Illuvatar: Genau wissen wir im Grunde nicht, ob es ein Bürgerkrieg ist, richtig?
(06/23 21:52:02 ) Cate Alexander: Wir hatten solche Berichte.
(06/23 21:52:17 ) Cate Alexander: Detaililert.
(06/23 21:52:21 ) sil_oh_wet: Waren sie fundiert?
(06/23 21:52:22 ) Cate Alexander: Detailliert.
(06/23 21:52:26 ) ~~meadow~~: Also ermittelt Sharper weiter?
(06/23 21:52:32 ) Akiva: Glaubt ihr, es sind einzelne Vorfälle, oder zeigen sie ein grösseres Problem an?
(06/23 21:52:56 ) Cate Alexander: Ich weiss nicht.
(06/23 21:52:58 ) ~~meadow~~: Wessen Entscheidung innerhalb des DRC war es, den Bahro keine Beachtung zu schenken, um mal damit anzufangen?
(06/23 21:53:02 ) Relayer Corps: oops
(06/23 21:53:20 ) Rekam: was gibt's Neues über Noloben?
(06/23 21:53:21 ) Cate Alexander: Ich bin nicht sicher, ob wir jemals eine solche Entscheidung trafen.
(06/23 21:53:28 ) Tybee: Oh, my god the LAG!
(06/23 21:53:32 ) Aaron Alexander: Waren DRC-Mitglieder in Noloben seit der Ereignisse im letzen Monat?
(06/23 21:53:40 ) Cate Alexander: Es gibt nichts über Noloben zu berichten.
(06/23 21:53:52 ) Cate Alexander: Nichts von dem ich wüsste.
(06/23 21:53:53 ) Dakro: Wie geht's mit der Wand in Gahreesen voran, Cate?
(06/23 21:53:56 ) ~~meadow~~: oh, okay cate, Nick sagte mir, er wünschte, der DRC hätte ihnen mehr Beachtung geschenkt, statt es einfach zu ignorieren.
(06/23 21:54:00 ) Cate Alexander: Langsam.
(06/23 21:54:04 ) Andros: Frau Alexander... Eine Frage die mich beschäftigt... hat dieses "pod age" einen offiziellen Namen?
(06/23 21:54:14 ) Cate Alexander: Das ist Nicks Meinung.
(06/23 21:54:20 ) Migo: :-)
(06/23 21:54:32 ) Cate Alexander: Es hat keinen Namen von dem ich wüsste.
(06/23 21:55:05 ) Cate Alexander: Ich glaube nicht, dass ich mehr weiss als alle anderen.
(06/23 21:55:41 ) Cate Alexander: Es sind fremde Kreaturen, die in der einen oder anderen Art gefährlich sein können.
(06/23 21:56:17 ) Cate Alexander: Sharper würde einwenden, sie können ebenfalls sehr hilfreich sein. Ich fürchte, je mehr wir lernen, umso mehr erkennen wir, dass wir nur wenig wissen.
[das hatte Goethes Dr.Faust auch schon erkannt, hehe]
(06/23 21:56:33 ) Gurev: Frau Alexander, woher stammen die Notizbücher in der 2. Etage.
(06/23 21:57:01 ) Cate Alexander: Die Tagebücher des Beobachters?
(06/23 21:57:02 ) Andros: Cate ich möchte Dir für Deine Führung während der letzen Monate danken... Ich weiss es war ein harter Ritt aber Deine Rolle beim Wiederaufbau ist sehr zu würdigen
(06/23 21:57:11 ) Cate Alexander: Danke sehr.
(06/23 21:57:15 ) Serephina: Frau Alexander, Herr Laxman sagte heute, daß die Bahro visuell kommunizieren- hat der DRC versucht mit ihnen zu kommunizieren?
(06/23 21:57:45 ) Cate Alexander: Wir haben es versucht, während der wenigen Gelegenheiten, die wir hatten.
(06/23 21:57:49 ) Haruko: Frau Alexander, gibt es etwas, das sie uns über den Zustand der Konzerthalle in der Stadt sagen können?
(06/23 21:57:50 ) Arwen Gemstone: Cate, irgendein Wort zu Herrn Engberg?
(06/23 21:57:57 ) Cate Alexander: Nein, kein Wort.
(06/23 21:58:02 ) Reverend Vader: Hatte Marie oder ein anderes DRC-Mitglied Kontakt zu diesem mysteriösten Überlebenden aus D'ni, der in Noloben entdeckt wurde?
(06/23 21:58:23 ) Cate Alexander: Die Konzerthalle steht auf der Liste, aber keine hohe Priorität.
(06/23 21:58:34 ) ~~meadow~~: tretet ein bisschen zurück, Leute, lasst der Dame etwas Raum
(06/23 21:59:00 ) Cate Alexander: Es ist niemand auf Noloben von dem ich wüsste.
(06/23 21:59:09 ) Cate Alexander: Ich glaube, das ist ein paar Jahre her.
(06/23 21:59:13 ) Reverend Vader: Hmm...
(06/23 21:59:16 ) Pryftan: Frau Alexander, gibt es noch unübersetzte D'ni-Texte, auf die der DRC Zugriff hat? Planen sie, welche zu veröffentlichen?
(06/23 21:59:19 ) Reverend Vader: Yes.
(06/23 21:59:39 ) Ashtar waves hello
(06/23 21:59:47 ) Cate Alexander: Wir haben noch übersetzte Texte, die aber noch nicht freigegeben wurden.
(06/23 22:00:00 ) Dakro: Zum Beispiel?
(06/23 22:00:18 ) Grogyan2 möchte eine Frage stellen...
(06/23 22:00:18 ) Cate Alexander: Verschiedene kulturelle und historische Dokumente.
(06/23 22:00:38 ) Darryl Pogue: Gibt es Pläne, diese Dokumente freizugeben?
(06/23 22:00:57 ) Illuvatar: Hat der DRC mit Yeesha gesprochen oder sie zumindest seit ihrem Erscheinen im Februar gesehen?
(06/23 22:01:08 ) Cate Alexander: Nein.
(06/23 22:01:10 ) Yutram: WOW! Viel los heut abend, was?
(06/23 22:01:12 ) Pryftan: (verkürzt, sinngemäß): Da Nick keine Übersetzungen mehr macht: Wir Explorer können ja helfen...
(06/23 22:01:33 ) sil_oh_wet: Holt einfach Nick zurück
(06/23 22:01:36 ) Cate Alexander: Wir sind uns Eurer Bereitschaft bewusst - danke sehr.
(06/23 22:01:49 ) Dakro: Cate, arbeitet jemand vom DRC momentan am J'taeri Bereich?
(06/23 22:02:22 ) Cate Alexander: Momentan nicht.
(06/23 22:02:29 ) Nine-O-Nine: oder in einem anderen Bereich in der Stadt, den wir nicht sehen....
(06/23 22:02:29 ) Dryhad: What, outside?
(06/23 22:02:30 ) Grogyan2: Haben viele vom DRC ihren Schwimmstil verbessert, um für die Freigabe von Ahnonay vorbereitet zu sein?
(06/23 22:02:35 ) Nyrphame Danilaise: Es beschäftigt mich, daß wir keine organisierte Suche nach Michael starten
(06/23 22:02:43 ) Tayrtahn: sind wir nicht in J'taeri?
(06/23 22:02:47 ) melodilynn: LOL, Grog
(06/23 22:02:51 ) Cate Alexander: Michael ist nicht in den Höhlen, das kann ich Euch versichern.
(06/23 22:02:58 ) Cate Alexander: Ja, sind wir.
(06/23 22:03:04 ) Rose: Cate, wurde die Ursache für Wheelys Tod ermittelt?
(06/23 22:03:19 ) Andros: (sinngemäß): Frau Alexander.. Ich weiss nicht wer verantwortlich ist, und ihr seid beschäftigt, aber die DRC-Webseite ist nicht aktuell. Könnte ein ResEngs, vielleicht?
(06/23 22:03:43 ) Cate Alexander: Richtig Andros - Es tut mir auch leid
(06/23 22:03:57 ) Andros: Schon okay, macht ja nichts ;)
(06/23 22:04:19 ) Cate Alexander: Wheely starb durch den Bahro.
(06/23 22:04:35 ) Reverend Vader: Durch den Bahro, der mit ihr in der Höhle war?
(06/23 22:04:41 ) Do'Tsahvahn: Hat der Bahro sie... ermordet?
(06/23 22:05:05 ) Cate Alexander: Mord impliziert eine bewusste Absicht. Ich weiss nicht ob es sich so verhält.
(06/23 22:05:18 ) Cate Alexander: I gehe besser nicht auf Details ein.
(06/23 22:05:23 ) Migo: :-(
(06/23 22:05:29 ) Tayrtahn: verständlich
(06/23 22:05:44 ) Migo is very sad
(06/23 22:05:44 ) Reverend Vader: Ich frage mich, ob es durch eine aussenstehende Macht kontrolliert wurde?
(06/23 22:05:59 ) Cate Alexander: Darauf habe ich keine Antwort.
(06/23 22:06:38 ) number6: Wheely wurde in manchen KIs der Forscher angezeigt. Eine Idee was das ist, Frau Alexander?
(06/23 22:07:11 ) Cate Alexander: Ich weiss nicht. Laxman wäre wohl der bessere Ansprechpartner hierfür, obwohl ich nicht gehört habe, das soetwas passiert ist.
(06/23 22:07:12 ) Captain Adventure: Frau Alexander, eine Frage wenn ich darf. Können Sie uns etwas mehr zu Jalak sagen? danke :)
(06/23 22:07:30 ) b_tak: Ich denke der Bahro war in Panik, als man versuchte, sich zu Wheely durchzugraben ... natürlicher Instinkt einer Kreatur, zu fliehen oder sich zu verteidigen....
(06/23 22:07:34 ) Cate Alexander: Es war ein Spielebereich der D'ni. Ich denke ihr werdet dort Spass haben.
[diverses gemurmel bezüglich des Spielebereichs]
(06/23 22:08:01 ) Cate Alexander: Ich weiss nicht, warum der Bahro so reagierte, wie er es tat.
(06/23 22:08:08 ) Almas: Heek2?
(06/23 22:08:18 ) DanTheMystFan: Wann ist es geplant, Jalak freizugeben?
[viele Fragen gleichzeitig, es wird konfus]
(06/23 22:08:44 ) Cate Alexander: Momentan haben wir nichts weiter als ungefähre Zeitplanungen.
(06/23 22:08:54 ) Cate Alexander: Ein Monat oder so.
(06/23 22:09:15 ) Cate Alexander: Ich habe dafür keine Zeit.
(06/23 22:09:42 ) zreyasa: Haben Studien etwas über seismische Aktivität in der Stadt ergeben und können Sie uns etwas über die Sicherheit sagen?
(06/23 22:10:07 ) Aaron Alexander: Cate, kannst Du uns etwas über die langfristigen Pläne des DRC sagen, die über Freigabe von Zeitaltern hinausgehen?
(06/23 22:10:12 ) Cate Alexander: Soweit wir es feststellen können, ist die Stadt stabil und sicher.
(06/23 22:10:24 ) zreyasa: Danke.
(06/23 22:10:27 ) Andros: Miss Alexander... I have a personal question for you. Do you have any pets at home? If it's too persoanl feel free to not answer... I can be a little nosy sometimes
(06/23 22:10:44 ) Cate Alexander: Nun, Aaron... es ist interessant, daß Du fragst. Wir haben den Tag über darüber bereits diskutiert.
(06/23 22:11:06 ) Cate Alexander: Es wurde recht viel Geld in dieses Projekt investiert.
(06/23 22:11:09 ) Sacred waves hello
(06/23 22:11:17 ) Aaron Alexander schaut interessiert
(06/23 22:11:31 ) Cate Alexander: Es sind schwierige (mühsame ) Fragen weiterhin zu beantworten.
(06/23 22:11:47 ) Li'Sah cheers
(06/23 22:12:13 ) Sonseeharay: stellt Tassen in die Gemeinde und die Forscher werden etwas spenden, da bin ich sicher.
(06/23 22:12:24 ) Migo: Mühsame Fragen?
(06/23 22:12:25 ) Dryhad: I recall it was a matter of some debate earlier
(06/23 22:12:30 ) Dakro: Cate, what areas of the city will you be releasing in the near future?
(06/23 22:12:31 ) Cate Alexander: Mühsame Antworten.
[Bemerkung: im Original sagt sie "tough", gemeint ist es hier im Sinne von "eine harte Nuss", "schwierig" - hier versagt die deutsche Sprache etwas]
(06/23 22:12:37 ) Ad'ytum: Fragen welcher Art?
(06/23 22:12:38 ) Migo: oh jeh
(06/23 22:12:45 ) Aaron Alexander schaut verwirrt
(06/23 22:12:59 ) Migo: sinds schlechte Neuigkeiten?
(06/23 22:13:05 ) Ad'ytum: Was sollten wir tun?
(06/23 22:13:44 ) Cate Alexander: Ich kann nicht in Details gehen.
(06/23 22:14:05 ) Cate Alexander: Aber dies sind schwierige, kritische Zeiten.
[Hier wurde es etwas durcheinander, ich habe einiges ausgelassen.
Zusammengefasst: Es gibt ein paar Finanzierungsschwierigkeiten.]
(06/23 22:16:03 ) Cate Alexander: Ihr alle unternehmt viel um uns zu helfen und wir wissen all das wirklich zu schätzen.
(06/23 22:16:25 ) Ad'ytum: Was ist das Nächste für uns, Cate?
(06/23 22:16:52 ) Cate Alexander: Great Zero morgen.
[eine Minute lang klatschen nahezu alle]
(06/23 22:17:06 ) Todoni claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:42 ) Reverend Vader is amazed!
(06/23 22:17:44 ) Rheanna claps her hands
(06/23 22:17:49 ) WyrdOfTweek: Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap
(06/23 22:18:23 ) Cate Alexander: Das ist sehr schön von Euch allen.
(06/23 22:18:50 ) Cate Alexander: Aber klatscht auch für Euch selbst. Wir wären nicht hier, wäre es nicht für Euch und Eure Unterstützung.
[weiterhin klatschen]
(06/23 22:18:59 ) Nyrphame Danilaise claps her hands
(06/23 22:19:24 ) Cate Alexander: Ich fürchte, ich muss nun gehen. Ich bin müde. Ein langer Tag mit Diskussionen um geschäftliche Belange.
(06/23 22:19:27 ) Slydr claps his hands
(06/23 22:19:42 ) Cate Alexander: Gute Nacht Euch allen.
[gute Nacht, danke, klatschen, winken...]
(06/23 22:20:46 ) ...Chat.log stopped.

Übersetzung: Tach.

Quelle: Uru Obsession

P.S. Ups, habe ein paar Sätze übersehen. Naja *gg*

Hier könnte etwas Sinnvolles stehen, zum Beispiel eine leckere Tasse Kaffee.
KI: #03995170

Zuletzt geändert von Tachzusamm am 24.06.2007 - 18:17, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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BeitragVerfasst: 24.06.2007 - 18:14 
Wow, danke für die Übersetzung Tach! :thumbup:

Na da bin ich ja mal auf die Forsetzung gespannt ...

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.06.2007 - 18:20 
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Registriert: 18.02.2005 - 21:49
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Also am meisten freue ich mich auf dieses Jalak. :P Hört sich zumindestens alles gut an :D

Aber erst mal Lok fahren und das geniessen was Dienstag oder Mittwoch dann noch so kommt :D

Gruß Susi

Die Geschichte geht weiter denn das letzte Wort wurde noch nicht geschrieben Und die Hoffnung stirbt bekanntlich zuletzt.

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BeitragVerfasst: 25.06.2007 - 20:11 
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[hide=Chatlog vom 25.6. in Watchers Pub/Cate Alexander]

(06/25 20:20:19) Chat.log started...
(06/25 20:20:21) Cate Alexander: Dr. Kodama talked about the report yesterday I believe.
(06/25 20:20:27) TomahnaGuy: He did
(06/25 20:20:39) Cate Alexander: We have not been looking for Michael for a while.
(06/25 20:20:49) Whilyam: So just how will structures be restored, Cate?
(06/25 20:20:50) KL/\RREN: Is mike on sureface?
(06/25 20:20:53) Cate Alexander: It's a big world. He will find us when he is ready.
(06/25 20:21:00) TomahnaGuy: Thats true
(06/25 20:21:00) Julian Lapis: So if he returns, it will be when he wants to?
(06/25 20:21:01) KL/\RREN: Surface
(06/25 20:21:04) The Guild Of Cones: i think he will show himself when he fells ready
(06/25 20:21:08) TomahnaGuy: He may feel "called" back one day! :)
(06/25 20:21:15) Poseidon: so what is you new position cate?
(06/25 20:21:17) Julian Lapis: Right.
(06/25 20:21:25) Nine-O-Nine: like Dr Watson....
(06/25 20:21:37) Erik: Ms. Alexander, is your position equal to that of the other DRC members? Or do you take Dr. Watson's old role?
(06/25 20:21:42) Pryftan: Ms. Alexander, how would you characterize the changes you want to bring to the DRC now that you have more pull?
(06/25 20:21:54) Cate Alexander: I am equasl to the other members as far as vote power.
(06/25 20:22:01) Julian Lapis: Hmm. We might need a question relay system
(06/25 20:22:03) TomahnaGuy: miss Alexander what role of Michaels will you now be taking?
(06/25 20:22:09) TomahnaGuy: I see
(06/25 20:22:19) Poseidon: well congratulations
(06/25 20:22:24) UberThend: CAte, what about the position you already occupied? Who is taking over your duties there and what were they - exactly?
(06/25 20:22:29) Whilyam: Cate, who will oversee the "restoration" phase?
(06/25 20:22:45) TomahnaGuy: Who will be doing your Job now Miss Alexander?
(06/25 20:22:48) Cate Alexander: I will also continue to try and find funding for the effort.
(06/25 20:22:50) Poseidon: do you have a raplacement for micheal?
(06/25 20:22:57) TomahnaGuy: Multiple jobs?
(06/25 20:22:59) Cate Alexander: Yes.
(06/25 20:23:04) TomahnaGuy: poseidon: it is Cate
(06/25 20:23:28) UberThend: Cate, related to that, how are we, as explorers, part of the funding effort? Where do we fit in?
(06/25 20:23:54) [ Mister Cloak ] wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:24:08) Pryftan: Seconded.. how can we help?
(06/25 20:24:13) TomahnaGuy: Miss Alexander what is the funding situation like at present?
(06/25 20:24:18) Cate Alexander: I do want to say that it was not a unanimous vote.
(06/25 20:24:34) Cate Alexander: I'm sure that will come out eventually. There are no hard feelings however.
(06/25 20:24:34) Julian Lapis: No?
(06/25 20:24:40) Tai'lahr: oooo, who disagrees?
(06/25 20:24:48) AKA: who voted against it Ms Alexander?
(06/25 20:24:50) [ Mister Cloak ]: One question at a time please explorers.
(06/25 20:24:57) Cate Alexander: Marie was not sure that I should be appointed to the Council.
(06/25 20:25:01) Alhon wants to ask a question
(06/25 20:25:02) D'ean: Shorah
(06/25 20:25:09) Erik: Ms. Alexander, Mr. Laxman said yesterday that he doesn't know anything about structures, that was Mr. Engberg's job. Now, who will look after structures now?
(06/25 20:25:12) Cate Alexander: We have spoken and I understand her reasoning.
(06/25 20:25:31) TomahnaGuy: Miss Alexander, how is the fundin situation at prsent?
(06/25 20:25:33) Whilyam wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:25:34) Pryftan: What were here concerns, exactly?
(06/25 20:25:43) [ Mister Cloak ] wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:25:50) Cate Alexander: The funding situation could be better. Much better.
(06/25 20:25:58) TomahnaGuy: :?
(06/25 20:26:00) Cate Alexander: Marie can tell you her exact concerns.
(06/25 20:26:03) AKA: would you share her concerns with us Ms. Alexander?
(06/25 20:26:04) TomahnaGuy feels uneasy suddenly
(06/25 20:26:20) Whilyam: Hello, Blake
(06/25 20:26:32) TomahnaGuy: Bad iming :O
(06/25 20:26:33) KL/\RREN: Much better?
(06/25 20:26:41) NaWen: reply Hi Tehanu
(06/25 20:26:48) FI4CHR4: )
(06/25 20:27:12) UberThend: Mister Cloak has a Question...
(06/25 20:27:14) Cate Alexander: ResEngs will be filling in the gaps for strcutural analysis.
(06/25 20:27:32) TomahnaGuy: will the explorers have a part in this?
(06/25 20:27:36) Cate Alexander: There are quite a few who worked with Engberg before he left.
(06/25 20:27:41) Erik: Okay, thanks for answering.
(06/25 20:27:53) Pryftan: Do you have any particularly pressing goals as a member of the council?
(06/25 20:28:17) Cate Alexander: My goal is to make this work.
(06/25 20:28:18) TomahnaGuy wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:28:24) Cate Alexander: Whatever it takes.
(06/25 20:28:31) Alhon: what will happen if Michal returns? will he be given his seat back?
(06/25 20:28:33) Julian Lapis: Whatever it takes?
(06/25 20:28:35) TomahnaGuy: we're backing you Miss Alexander :)
(06/25 20:28:38) Mohawk: I'm sure it'll work out!
(06/25 20:28:38) Tai'lahr: We share that goal with you.
(06/25 20:28:39) Whilyam: Cate what sort of credentials do you bring to the DRC? Did you study anything relevant to the restoration?
(06/25 20:28:54) TomahnaGuy: yes, same Q Whilyam
(06/25 20:28:57) Thumbs up from Ewilan
(06/25 20:29:00) Whilyam: Aside from making money that is
(06/25 20:29:06) AKA: awesome Ms. Alexander...I'm all for that...I hope to help make it work also.
(06/25 20:29:15) Cate Alexander: I understand this process enough and have enough experience in business ventures to have earned the respect of the other members.
(06/25 20:29:29) Pryftan: What sort of obstacles are in your way of making this work? Purely funding concerns?
(06/25 20:29:30) Richi salutes
(06/25 20:29:31) TomahnaGuy: But what are your qualifications?
(06/25 20:29:39) Whilyam: What sort of education, though?
(06/25 20:29:44) [ Mister Cloak ] wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:29:46) Cate Alexander: I suppose everything starts with funding.
(06/25 20:29:49) Justin: Yay! I got to the top of Age Players!!!
(06/25 20:29:56) Cate Alexander: We need man power.
(06/25 20:30:01) Cate Alexander: We need time.
(06/25 20:30:07) Alhon: get me a hard hat and a shovel. :)
(06/25 20:30:10) Julian Lapis: And things end with a lack of funding....
(06/25 20:30:10) Richi salutes
(06/25 20:30:11) Volki salutes
(06/25 20:30:20) Cate Alexander: And we have creatures runnign around that we know very little about.
(06/25 20:30:24) [ Mister Cloak ]: Cate, have you come up with alternate means of providing income for the restoration?
(06/25 20:30:24) Whilyam: Blak, where'd you go?
(06/25 20:30:34) Mohawk is ready to lend a hand!
(06/25 20:30:41) Poseidon: speaking of which... what is the status of the Er'canna age?
(06/25 20:30:41) Pryftan: Does that mean studying the Bahro will be one of the DRC's main priorities?
(06/25 20:30:42) Tai'lahr: We're prepared to assist you in studying the Bahro.
(06/25 20:30:46) TomahnaGuy: I agree Cate.
(06/25 20:30:49) Cate Alexander: We have discussed advertisements in the cavern.
(06/25 20:30:58) Tai'lahr: Oh, no.
(06/25 20:31:03) Whilyam shakes his head
(06/25 20:31:04) Nadnerb is opposed to that
(06/25 20:31:05) Julian Lapis: Advertising?!?
(06/25 20:31:08) Yellowdog: Like Nascar?
(06/25 20:31:12) TomahnaGuy: The Cavern would be a different place if there was more funding. Still many of us back your decisions! :)
(06/25 20:31:12) Erik: What? In an archeological place like this?
(06/25 20:31:15) The Guild Of Cones: d'ni Coke
(06/25 20:31:16) Loolee70 starts to laugh
(06/25 20:31:21) Diafero: IMHO a bad idea...
(06/25 20:31:21) Alhon: that depends how it'd done.
(06/25 20:31:24) Poseidon: D'nitoes
(06/25 20:31:26) Nine-O-Nine: and..... can you tell us of the status on that?
(06/25 20:31:33) Astro thinks not
(06/25 20:31:39) Cate Alexander: It is still under discussion.
(06/25 20:31:49) Cate Alexander: I will tell you bluntly, I'm al for it.
(06/25 20:31:52) [ Mister Cloak ]: D'nominoes
(06/25 20:31:54) Tai'lahr feels faint.
(06/25 20:31:56) Kimmie cringes
(06/25 20:32:04) Whilyam is a bit upset...
(06/25 20:32:05) TomahnaGuy: all for what?
(06/25 20:32:08) Alhon: it need to be pretty non-obtrusive, though.
(06/25 20:32:11) Ewilan: no advertisment please
(06/25 20:32:12) Tela cringes
(06/25 20:32:13) Diafero: :(
(06/25 20:32:14) Erik: Do you think the Bahro will like it, if we treat the Cavern like some sort of theme park.
(06/25 20:32:16) [ Mister Cloak ]: it's a good idea for funding, no doubt
(06/25 20:32:18) Julian Lapis: Hmmm. If it isn't done right, it could be a very negative thing...
(06/25 20:32:18) ireenquench: We already have advertisement. Shirts. More shirts?
(06/25 20:32:24) Cate Alexander: As I said, whatever it takes. If the option is to end the restoration, I would rather have advertisting.
(06/25 20:32:25) Tai'lahr: Good point, Erik.
(06/25 20:32:26) AKA: but wouldn't that ruin the feel of D'ni?
(06/25 20:32:32) lightkeeper: The only audiance for IC advertising are the explorers, we are against it.
(06/25 20:32:36) awalan: if it will decrease the lag---------let it roll
(06/25 20:32:42) Ewilan: would tottaly spoill the cavern
(06/25 20:32:45) [ Mister Cloak ]: that is a good point Cate
(06/25 20:32:45) TomahnaGuy: As more explorers are coming every day, its be greatif we had more funding I suppose.
(06/25 20:32:47) leeloo: waht sort of advertisement would that be?
(06/25 20:32:52) Cate Alexander: I understand the negative consequences.
(06/25 20:32:55) Tai'lahr: Good point, awalan.
(06/25 20:32:56) Pryftan: Where exactly would the advertising be displayed?
(06/25 20:32:58) Astro: Maybe if we could buy merchandise...
(06/25 20:32:59) Erik: D'ni lives. This is no attraction. There are even D'ni! How would the D'ni feel if we would do this?
(06/25 20:32:59) D'ean: i would be for it Cate, if its just temporary tell the DRC can get more funding
(06/25 20:33:03) Mohawk: We'll get used to it
(06/25 20:33:03) TomahnaGuy: it is an interesting oncept
(06/25 20:33:12) Whilyam: I would love to be able to get some shirts or something.
(06/25 20:33:12) Altydwarber: Cate Alexander what if thre would be advertising europe and australia to get funding
(06/25 20:33:26) TomahnaGuy: it would modernise the cavern
(06/25 20:33:32) Pryftan: I wouldn't mind new constructions here, but putting banners on ancient D'ni construction seems a little risky
(06/25 20:33:36) Diafero: we already have quite many un-dni-ish things around here which somehow destroy the feeling... advertisment would really be too much
(06/25 20:33:40) Alhon: i'd be ok if it's in the cavern, but NOT in the ages.
(06/25 20:33:43) lightkeeper: spend advertising to attract more explorers
(06/25 20:33:46) The Guild Of Cones: i wouldn't mind shirt, but I wouldn't want giant billboards
(06/25 20:33:54) Tai'lahr: Oh, yes, by all means, let's "modernize" the cavern! :(
(06/25 20:33:54) TomahnaGuy: agrred Alhon
(06/25 20:33:58) Mar'ith: how about just a shopping / advertising age only?
(06/25 20:34:02) D'ean: i aggree lightkeeper
(06/25 20:34:12) Justin: Ms. Alexander, is there any news on Mr. Engburg?
(06/25 20:34:13) Cate Alexander: There is still a lot of discussion that has to happen.
(06/25 20:34:15) TomahnaGuy: in the main ciy would be good I think
(06/25 20:34:19) Erik: Ms. Alexander, there are still D'ni living. We can't just place posters and avertisements on their homes, can we?
(06/25 20:34:21) TomahnaGuy: city
(06/25 20:34:28) lightkeeper: Thx D"ean
(06/25 20:34:35) KalTan: and the next thing is a casino in the palace ...
(06/25 20:34:39) TomahnaGuy: Erik sometimes the majority outweigh the minority
(06/25 20:34:43) UberThend: Cate, how does the explorers' presence here contribute to the funding, how do we fit in?
(06/25 20:34:46) Pryftan: I understand it will be up to you and the Council, but please keep us posted, Ms Alexander.
(06/25 20:34:48) leeloo: what about hood imagers? good place for advertising
(06/25 20:34:52) TomahnaGuy: and if more people like signs and if it provides funding im all for it
(06/25 20:34:56) UberThend: Pre-advertising
(06/25 20:34:57) ireenquench: Maybe Jalak couldd be used for that. Like an amusement park fair thing.
(06/25 20:35:06) Cate Alexander: I will keep you posted.
(06/25 20:35:12) Pryftan: Thank you.
(06/25 20:35:12) Diafero: but now it seems the majority is against ads, TomahnaGuy
(06/25 20:35:15) TomahnaGuy: yes, plkeae tell us more on jalak Cate :)
(06/25 20:35:16) Whilyam: Would it be possible to get some photos from Jalak, Cate?
(06/25 20:35:17) ABguy: What about mining and oil companies has the DRC considered assessing ages for there mineral value for funding?
(06/25 20:35:17) [ Mister Cloak ]: is Jalak like an arena?
(06/25 20:35:22) Ewilan: if some advertising shows up, i probably won't stay in the cavern
(06/25 20:35:23) Tai'lahr imagines advertizing posters hanging in the Hall of Kings.
(06/25 20:35:32) Justin: Is Jalak a new age or something?
(06/25 20:35:33) Saint Kip: tell us something good please
(06/25 20:35:40) TomahnaGuy: Ewilan that would be unfortunate.
(06/25 20:35:42) TomahnaGuy: and said
(06/25 20:35:46) TomahnaGuy: sad
(06/25 20:35:50) Tela: I think modernizing the cavern would also mean losing a whole lot of its atmosphere, I am against advertisements, except for those on T-Shirts
(06/25 20:35:51) Alhon: is there a way to market surface area like the cleft? that could be a source of revenue.
(06/25 20:35:57) Nadnerb: good is subjective.
(06/25 20:36:01) Pryftan: Justin, Jalak is a D'ni gaming age due to be released around the time of Ahnonay
(06/25 20:36:07) TomahnaGuy: perhapse just certain places for advertising
(06/25 20:36:07) Cate Alexander: If no advertising shows up there may not be a cavern for you to stay in.
(06/25 20:36:11) Justin: Ah
(06/25 20:36:13) Justin: Wow
(06/25 20:36:19) Mohawk: hmmmmm...
(06/25 20:36:19) TomahnaGuy: my goodness
(06/25 20:36:20) Ewilan: i like the idea of gamming
(06/25 20:36:26) Alhon: i'll take the ads if it means a cavern.
(06/25 20:36:34) Cate Alexander: These are not easy discussions.
(06/25 20:36:36) TomahnaGuy: are we at that dire a state Miss alexander?
(06/25 20:36:40) UberThend: Ca
(06/25 20:36:43) TomahnaGuy: are things with funding that bad?
(06/25 20:36:45) ireenquench: Whats with merchandise selling on the surface? That could make money.
(06/25 20:36:46) Alhon: is Gametap helping with the funding at all?
(06/25 20:36:47) Julian Lapis: IS the financing situation truly that dire?
(06/25 20:36:47) Tai'lahr: So, it's really already a done deal; we just need to get used to the idea, huh?
(06/25 20:36:48) Cate Alexander: We may be.
(06/25 20:36:52) leeloo: i'd rather have some advertising than no cavern at all
(06/25 20:36:55) TomahnaGuy: i see.
(06/25 20:37:00) Erik: Won't this anger the Bahro? especially Yeesha wouldn't agree with this. She seems to be on our side now, but if we do this....
(06/25 20:37:00) d'ni everything: I like the idea of advertising - I work in the business
(06/25 20:37:05) Saint Kip: talk about killing moral
(06/25 20:37:11) TomahnaGuy: i personally support it. But like you say intense discussions must follow this.
(06/25 20:37:12) KalTan: if advertising is at least necessary for exploring than i'm for it.
(06/25 20:37:15) Tai'lahr: Can we try to do this tastefully, at least?
(06/25 20:37:22) gelf56: laxman said that fixing doors was Enbergs speciality.. you going to get your hands dirty now cate you will you be busy in a finance meeting and the doors stay broken
(06/25 20:37:23) lightkeeper: Like pay TV I expect no advetising
(06/25 20:37:33) d'ni everything: advertising isnt all bad
(06/25 20:37:37) KL/\RREN: ADS means the ending is written.. for shure
(06/25 20:37:43) Illuvatar: Raise our monthly fees by 50% I'd gladly pay
(06/25 20:37:43) Cate Alexander: I am only bringing up some of our discussions - nothing has been decided.
(06/25 20:37:44) Alhon: we'll live.
(06/25 20:37:50) Suz: What about running ads during update loading.
(06/25 20:37:52) Ewilan: quitte right lightkeeper
(06/25 20:37:52) Cate Alexander: Please understand that.
(06/25 20:37:58) Diafero: but this is dni, not a supermarket... do we have ads in a museum?!?
(06/25 20:38:04) Mohawk: thank you for keeping us involved!
(06/25 20:38:04) Pryftan: Agreed Illuvatar
(06/25 20:38:10) KalTan: you're doing a great job mrs. Alexander ....
(06/25 20:38:15) Justin: tHe Ending has not yet been writen!
(06/25 20:38:21) TomahnaGuy: noi Kaalrren. On the contrary I belive advertising is necessary for the future. yes it would modernise the cavern and lose a pice of it at the same time but still if it is going to let the cavern survive so be it!
(06/25 20:38:25) Justin: no ads!!
(06/25 20:38:26) d'ni everything: no it can be done tastefully and with humor
(06/25 20:38:27) [ Mister Cloak ]: actually yes, we do have ads in museums
(06/25 20:38:27) Whilyam: Blake, what do you think of all this?
(06/25 20:38:31) Alhon: if you could give us a percentage, how close are we to closing the cavern?
(06/25 20:38:35) UberThend: Cate, would more people coming to the Cavern help revenue? If so, how exactly?
(06/25 20:38:45) Tai'lahr thinks Ms. Alexander is very brave to bring this topic to the explorers for discussion.
(06/25 20:38:50) leeloo: yes we ahve ads in museum diafero
(06/25 20:38:51) Justin: no Ads!!!
(06/25 20:38:59) KL/\RREN: if there are ads , i will play second life
(06/25 20:39:05) Cate Alexander: The more explorers the better. Of course.
(06/25 20:39:18) leeloo: we even have shops with things to buy some are tasty and some are horrible
(06/25 20:39:19) Cate Alexander: We are not close to closing the cavern.
(06/25 20:39:20) Justin: same here, if there were add, i would leave uru
(06/25 20:39:20) mayy: No aqds
(06/25 20:39:20) Diafero: you have? i never saw ads in the museums i visited
(06/25 20:39:24) URU_Plum: a quick way to kill uru=ads
(06/25 20:39:24) d'ni everything: what s wrong with Mister /Cloaks card game
(06/25 20:39:28) Cate Alexander: We are looking ahead.
(06/25 20:39:36) Justin: No Money! now Shops! No Add!!!!
(06/25 20:39:36) Saint Kip: is there anything to look forward to today?
(06/25 20:39:38) Cate Alexander: We are trying to plan wisely.
(06/25 20:39:40) d'ni everything: or Minkata Mudd Coffee?
(06/25 20:39:56) TomahnaGuy: this will need to eb considered carefully
(06/25 20:40:04) Cate Alexander: Agreed.
(06/25 20:40:04) Yellowdog: Pay Toilets...lol
(06/25 20:40:07) Erik: Thanks, Ms. Alexander. I appreciate your honesty about this and your will to discuss this with us. It's just a bit shocking.
(06/25 20:40:08) Illuvatar: Will you take donations from the willing?
(06/25 20:40:12) Tai'lahr: Market D'ni products to the explorers. They will buy lots!
(06/25 20:40:21) 'Veralun: Cate: those explorers are there, we just need to reach them
(06/25 20:40:22) KL/\RREN: do adds on login , but ingame it is the end of the game...
(06/25 20:40:32) ireenquench: Thats good to hear Cate. I am worried. Please consider merchandizing on surface as well. I am sure that can be a good source for funding.
(06/25 20:40:48) UberThend: Klarren, without them may be 'end of game', as she is saying
(06/25 20:40:49) TomahnaGuy: who else supports advertising> for the future of the ccavern?
(06/25 20:40:58) KL/\RREN: Ok, lets end today
(06/25 20:40:59) Tela: well, then do not let advertisements spoil the cavern
(06/25 20:41:04) Mar'ith: Cate: would the ads be in all ages or just a few like the city?
(06/25 20:41:07) Illuvatar: I support anything that keeps uru alive
(06/25 20:41:11) Cate Alexander: Hopefully these discussions can cotinue between us and you. Hopefully we can all come to a decision that we all agree on.
(06/25 20:41:15) Justin: ads would kill uru!!
(06/25 20:41:17) Poseidon: i will take adds if they are un-intrusive
(06/25 20:41:19) d'ni everything: Ive been in Pr and ad work for years - your not tapping this place well enough
(06/25 20:41:20) Diafero: do you think ads would keep it alive?
(06/25 20:41:21) UberThend: Bahro plushies, Hoodie action figures, t-shirts, posters, ANYthing
(06/25 20:41:24) D'ean: i support it, at least till thers enough support from explorers
(06/25 20:41:28) Cate Alexander: We will continue to talk.
(06/25 20:41:30) Nadnerb: the way I'm hearing this, there is really little danger of the cavern, they are simply discussing options for speeding up the restoration. Is that about right?
(06/25 20:41:33) TomahnaGuy: agreed
(06/25 20:41:35) Whilyam: I wouldn't like to see ads. Even if it meant shutting down the cavern.
(06/25 20:41:39) Cate Alexander: And keep the communication open.
(06/25 20:41:48) Tai'lahr: Will there be a discussion about this on the DRC forums? And, will the DRC participate in those discussions?
(06/25 20:41:50) Tela: I agree, whilyam
(06/25 20:41:50) Diafero: it would keep it up, but not alive
(06/25 20:41:52) Whilyam: This is an archaeological site first, Cate.
(06/25 20:41:52) [ Mister Cloak ]: Cate, if funding is a concern, could you set up a donation page on The DRC website?
(06/25 20:41:54) TomahnaGuy: we always like talking to you guys :)
(06/25 20:41:55) AKA: no it wouldn't Justin...if it is tastfully done
(06/25 20:41:57) Altydwarber: oh yes we sure will
(06/25 20:42:04) Songe: i'd buy a T-shirt, mouse mat etc
(06/25 20:42:05) Illuvatar: Yes. set up a donation page
(06/25 20:42:08) Yellowdog: Cate: Surely you dident come to tell us that! What else (Good News) do you have for us today?
(06/25 20:42:09) leeloo: i would certainly buy a d'ni mug or a yeesha tee shirt or ......
(06/25 20:42:10) Justin: True... but sitll
(06/25 20:42:17) KL/\RREN: adds in the caves? you will lost 50% players... belive me
(06/25 20:42:19) Whilyam: I would love to buy some form of D'ni merchandise
(06/25 20:42:20) Mohawk: this purpose the DRC site would be a good place to communicate
(06/25 20:42:23) Sti 'in: what are you talkin about?
(06/25 20:42:25) Whilyam: But no ads.
(06/25 20:42:27) sil_oh_wet: i am open to advertising under the right circumstances.
(06/25 20:42:28) UberThend: Cate, may here would buy erchandise, I'm fairly sure of it
(06/25 20:42:39) ireenquench: Cate, if you dont mind the question...whats Marie currently doing?
(06/25 20:42:40) d'ni everything: I think abit of cooperative discussion is very helpful
(06/25 20:42:48) Cate Alexander: I do have to get to a meeting with Mr. Sharper. We will talk more about this. Please keep an open mind. I will do the same.
(06/25 20:42:48) Pryftan: If people leave because of a few ads they weren't really all that interested in D'ni in the first place.
(06/25 20:42:54) Tai'lahr: You can be absolutedly certain of it, UberThend
(06/25 20:42:55) Saint Kip: is there any idea of the companies that would sponser uru?
(06/25 20:42:56) UberThend: Thank you Cate
(06/25 20:42:58) AKA: so as it stands now, Cate, who is the leader of the DRC?
(06/25 20:43:02) Cate Alexander: And remember, no decision has been made.
(06/25 20:43:02) Justin: how bout Ads on URU live.com, and DRCsit, that way they don't ruin uru!
(06/25 20:43:06) Erik: Thank you for letting us know.
(06/25 20:43:08) Cate Alexander: It is only discussion.
(06/25 20:43:09) Solita: Thank You Cate!
(06/25 20:43:17) Pryftan: Thanks for sharing an unpopular idea with us.. takes some guts!
(06/25 20:43:17) Diafero: Thanks for telling us, Cate :)
(06/25 20:43:18) Illuvatar: thank you!
(06/25 20:43:20) Altydwarber: thank you for coming by Cate
(06/25 20:43:22) Whilyam: Goodbye, Cate.
(06/25 20:43:23) Justin: thank you cate
(06/25 20:43:23) Cate Alexander: Thank you for all your opinions.
(06/25 20:43:28) Justin: bye
(06/25 20:43:29) Tai'lahr: Will the DRC be discussing this topic with the explorers on the DRC site?
(06/25 20:43:30) T'layeh: Thanks for coming Cate
(06/25 20:43:33) Justin: good luck with sharper
(06/25 20:43:34) D'ean: thank you Cate, bye
(06/25 20:43:39) Solita: Goodbye Cate[/hide]

[hide= ein wenig von der Diskusion danach]

(06/25 20:43:39) KalTan: thanks you for sharing this with us
(06/25 20:43:41) lightkeeper: Thank you Cate :)
(06/25 20:43:42) ireenquench: Thanks Cate, rough times it seems.
(06/25 20:43:42) Diafero: If people leave because of ads they show that they really like dni
(06/25 20:43:42) Whilyam: What is Sharper's meeting about?
(06/25 20:43:43) Pryftan: Tell Sharper we all want his hat
(06/25 20:43:50) KalTan claps his hands
(06/25 20:43:51) KL/\RREN: is this a great event.... "a new light" bud light maybe
(06/25 20:43:52) Tai'lahr: Thank you, Ms. Alexander.
(06/25 20:43:56) Justin claps his hands
(06/25 20:43:56) d'ni everything: sign me up for advertisin
(06/25 20:44:00) Drewski: i missed it... what happened
(06/25 20:44:06) Justin: Now... to get rid of the add.....
(06/25 20:44:06) sil_oh_wet: Lol Klarren
(06/25 20:44:07) Julian Lapis: Hmmmm
(06/25 20:44:19) lightkeeper: Bigg Hmmmmmmmm
(06/25 20:44:19) Pryftan: Anyone get a log?
(06/25 20:44:20) Tai'lahr thinks Klarren is a little unhappy.
(06/25 20:44:28) Sti 'in: is cate still here?
(06/25 20:44:29) Mar'ith imagines McDonald's Bahro Burger ads around the city
(06/25 20:44:29) Whilyam: I got some
(06/25 20:44:31) Dragonia: what did I miss?
(06/25 20:44:37) Nadnerb salutes
(06/25 20:44:40) Dragonia: ad's?
(06/25 20:44:42) Songe: Only the end of it...
(06/25 20:44:43) sil_oh_wet: she let Watchers
(06/25 20:44:44) Whilyam: So, Blake. You're still here.
(06/25 20:44:45) Tai'lahr: D'nitos
(06/25 20:44:47) sil_oh_wet: Left*
(06/25 20:44:47) KL/\RREN: Unhappy? i have no more words...
(06/25 20:44:50) To ireenquench: wau das war viel , zu viel
(06/25 20:44:53) TomahnaGuy: sorry had to go afk. what were cates loast words here?
(06/25 20:44:54) Whilyam: What's your opinion on all this?
(06/25 20:44:54) Ewilan: is cyan really missing money that much
(06/25 20:44:59) Ewilan is worried
(06/25 20:45:01) Jazz: I'd rather have ads than no Uru
(06/25 20:45:02) Justin: i don't want ads in the cavern :(
(06/25 20:45:04) lightkeeper: Klarren don't worry yert
(06/25 20:45:07) d'ni everything: they are already running tv ads in NYC
(06/25 20:45:09) Sti 'in: Who would like to go to one of the pod ages with me??
(06/25 20:45:13) ireenquench: Yes, Blake, can you commetnt on all this? That'd be interesting.
(06/25 20:45:14) lightkeeper: *uyet
(06/25 20:45:15) Songe: In the citys OK
(06/25 20:45:19) lightkeeper: Ikes!
(06/25 20:45:19) TomahnaGuy: Blake do you have anyhing to tell us today? :)
(06/25 20:45:30) Blake: This is Cate's job now
(06/25 20:45:40) D'ean: same here, i would prefer ads over no cavern
(06/25 20:45:43) Dragonia: to put ad's in the cavern?
(06/25 20:45:44) Blake: I'm just here to observe
(06/25 20:45:44) TomahnaGuy: but you still work for GameTao OOC
(06/25 20:45:45) UberThend: I f we don't have enough funding, and you don't want ads, then find a way to drum up some business some other way on your own ;)
(06/25 20:45:49) TomahnaGuy: Tap
(06/25 20:45:58) Whilyam: You're the primary funder.
(06/25 20:45:58) Poseidon: so engberg is really gone now
(06/25 20:46:01) sil_oh_wet: i dont want to be idley threatened - if it's neccessary - fine - if not, then lets re=evaluate other options
(06/25 20:46:03) TomahnaGuy: please explin the funding situation to us in OOC terms
(06/25 20:46:11) d'ni everything: the cavern looks good on TV
(06/25 20:46:12) Ewilan: i'm not sure. guess it depends on the ads. but i HATE ads
(06/25 20:46:15) Justin: F they are not IN the cavern
(06/25 20:46:22) ireenquench: Okay Blake , so you're more in the background, she does communications. ?
(06/25 20:46:26) Whilyam: Are we really that close to shutting down the cavern?
(06/25 20:46:39) Justin: What/???????
(06/25 20:46:46) Sti 'in: :O
(06/25 20:46:47) KL/\RREN: if i want ads i can play second life...
(06/25 20:46:48) Ewilan: Cate said we're not about to close a least
(06/25 20:46:52) Justin: shutting down the cavern??????
(06/25 20:46:53) Justin: noooooooo
(06/25 20:46:56) Justin: noooooooooo
(06/25 20:46:59) Sti 'in: Noooooo
(06/25 20:46:59) Altydwarber: no cate did not say close to close
(06/25 20:47:02) d'ni everything: no they arent closing
(06/25 20:47:02) Sti 'in: Cant be
(06/25 20:47:02) Nadnerb: No, we're not close to shutting down anything.
(06/25 20:47:03) Illuvatar: Whilyam, she said "we are not close to c;osomg the cavern"
(06/25 20:47:03) Justin: They can't shut it down!!!!
(06/25 20:47:04) Sti 'in: So many people
(06/25 20:47:05) Justin: noooo
(06/25 20:47:08) Whilyam: Close enough.
(06/25 20:47:16) d'ni everything: silly talk
(06/25 20:47:21) Whilyam: So, Blake?
(06/25 20:47:22) ireenquench: Justin, please you make me all panicky.
(06/25 20:47:24) Nadnerb: we're only looking for ways to spped things up.
(06/25 20:47:26) Justin: Why do they need adds?
(06/25 20:47:26) UberThend: Klarren, we can all do our part to get the word out on the surface then, step up efforts, if ads are that distasteful
(06/25 20:47:41) Pryftan: Well apparently people think everyone will jump ship if they do what they need to do to survive
(06/25 20:47:43) Whilyam: ...
(06/25 20:47:47) Justin: Can't we keep ads on the DRC sit and rur live .com
(06/25 20:47:51) Pryftan: With that attitude maybe we are screwed.
(06/25 20:47:54) KL/\RREN: thts cyan/GT's part
(06/25 20:47:56) Poseidon: ads = more money = more employees = more content
(06/25 20:47:56) Justin: That would b fine right?
(06/25 20:48:05) D'ean: hey, if ads allows funding for more DRC members to help restore... i'm all for it!
(06/25 20:48:10) Sti 'in waves hello
(06/25 20:48:11) Songe: they are not really advertising teh fact that URU live is about - I only found out by chnace
(06/25 20:48:12) Justin: Ah i se Poseidon
(06/25 20:48:16) Poseidon nods his head
(06/25 20:48:17) UberThend: You don't seem to agree with how they will do it though, within their own means
(06/25 20:48:21) Whilyam: I guess that's a "no comment" ...
(06/25 20:48:24) d'ni everything: Im sure she is talking about something unobtusive
(06/25 20:48:24) Justin: Anyway tata
(06/25 20:48:29) sil_oh_wet: i wouldnt mind walking around with a can of Diet Pepsi in my hand once in a while, that is if my hands actually worked
(06/25 20:48:37) Illuvatar: Lol sil
(06/25 20:48:41) Poseidon: if ands means more content.... im all for it
(06/25 20:48:41) Pryftan: haha.
(06/25 20:48:44) Pryftan: Agreed.
(06/25 20:48:46) Sti 'in: :P
(06/25 20:48:50) KL/\RREN: ok, i play uru with ads, but won't pay for it anymore!!
(06/25 20:48:51) Sti 'in: Me too
(06/25 20:48:52) Poseidon: just as long as they are in-obtrusive
(06/25 20:49:09) Mar'ith: as long as the ads are tasteful, fit wll with the d'ni textures and aren't in all ages then it may be ok
(06/25 20:49:13) KL/\RREN: with adds it should be free
(06/25 20:49:16) Mar'ith: *well
(06/25 20:49:17) d'ni everything: McDonalds and Starbucks
(06/25 20:49:18) Sti 'in waves hello
(06/25 20:49:23) d'ni everything: hee hee
(06/25 20:49:25) Pryftan: Klarren cable isn't free either
(06/25 20:49:26) ireenquench: So... just to recap... she says she is replacing Engberg. With some help of ResEngs.
(06/25 20:49:27) peni: i will go along with whatever they decide. (have decided)
(06/25 20:49:28) sil_oh_wet: Mmmm cofffeee
(06/25 20:49:34) Mar'ith: McDonalds Bahro Burgers
(06/25 20:49:45) Poseidon: she is now a full member of the council as well
(06/25 20:49:49) d'ni everything: CHOCOLATE
(06/25 20:49:53) Poseidon: and they let engberg go
(06/25 20:49:54) ireenquench: Which Marie disagreed with... cate now being on the council.
(06/25 20:49:55) leeloo: oui moi aussi
(06/25 20:49:57) TomahnaGuy: did Blake explain the funding: I was afk
(06/25 20:49:58) UberThend: Squee Dog stands in Ae'gura
(06/25 20:49:58) leeloo: oops
(06/25 20:50:03) ABguy: Once you open that door, its hard to go back. IF we have adds in the cavern the place will loose something... Rationalize it how you want but thats the bottom line.
(06/25 20:50:08) sil_oh_wet: they let Engberg go?
(06/25 20:50:10) KL/\RREN: they let us all go
(06/25 20:50:20) Sti 'in: Selling relto pages :P
(06/25 20:50:25) UberThend: Ab, what would you propose then?
(06/25 20:50:39) Songe: Coke bottle on relto?
(06/25 20:50:48) TomahnaGuy: I think we should vote. Raise your hans with /askquestion if you approve of ads in the main Aegura?
(06/25 20:50:50) d'ni everything: silly - to get worried about a logo on a shirt or a poster
(06/25 20:50:52) UberThend: Proactively, not reactively
(06/25 20:50:54) TomahnaGuy wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:50:59) Pryftan wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:02) Songe wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:03) Illuvatar wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:04) KL/\RREN: TG please
(06/25 20:51:04) Sti 'in wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:07) Poseidon: ill take a pepsi machine in my relto =)
(06/25 20:51:09) Reva wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:11) Mar'ith wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:14) Arwen Gemstone: starbucks where kahlo pub is?
(06/25 20:51:14) d'ni everything: hee hee
(06/25 20:51:16) Ewilan: gametap have money
(06/25 20:51:19) Kimmie wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:19) Sti 'in: But not too much
(06/25 20:51:20) TomahnaGuy: sorry but tthis is the best way to find out
(06/25 20:51:23) Dragonia wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:26) Sti 'in: Ads
(06/25 20:51:38) peni: i don't mine D'nitos
(06/25 20:51:38) Sti 'in wants to ask a question...
(06/25 20:51:38) Ewilan: so they can bck up cyan, and must if needed
(06/25 20:51:52) ireenquench: She said they stopped searching for him a while ago... and will not keep his position open for him anymore... instead Cate moves into the Council with her "business expetise" ...and Marie disagreed with that and might tell her more about her reasoning. If we can get a hold of her.
(06/25 20:52:03) Poseidon: are there going to be the "click here to make your **** bigger" adverts?
(06/25 20:52:09) UberThend: thanks ireen
(06/25 20:52:12) Paulll50: you can't here me unless I shout right?
(06/25 20:52:13) KL/\RREN: Lol
(06/25 20:52:18) Dragonia says DOH!
(06/25 20:52:18) Pryftan: They can do it tastefully. We need to trust Cate. We have no other choice.
(06/25 20:52:21) TomahnaGuy: what if like Cate says this is the only way to secure funding? What would we do thgen?
(06/25 20:52:26) UberThend: Poseidon, I'd draw the line around there lol
(06/25 20:52:38) Poseidon roars with laughter
(06/25 20:52:44) KL/\RREN: no other choice? we have
(06/25 20:52:48) Illuvatar: I want uru to live, no matter what it takes
(06/25 20:52:56) Ewilan: from an OOC point of view, gametap is the solution
(06/25 20:52:58) Jazz: Same here
(06/25 20:53:01) ABguy: Im sure there are solutions besides Ads in game, at the moment I havent' put alot of thought into it... but if worse comes to worse UU may have to return
(06/25 20:53:04) peni: we will do what we need to do like we always have
(06/25 20:53:04) TomahnaGuy: if there IS no toher choice then i must support this IC: for the city: and OOC for Cyan and uru!
(06/25 20:53:09) UberThend: Klarren, as in leaving or actually assisting?
(06/25 20:53:18) Sti 'in: Yep!
(06/25 20:53:23) Pryftan: I mean there is no other choice but to trust Cate.
(06/25 20:53:35) Dragonia: no pop-ups and I'll be happy
(06/25 20:53:36) Pryftan: They will only put up ads if it is absolutely necessaru.
(06/25 20:53:37) TomahnaGuy: I trust Cate.
(06/25 20:53:41) Sti 'in: Not to u ub er
(06/25 20:53:44) Pryftan: In that sense, they should do it.
(06/25 20:53:48) leeloo: for me the best way would be to sell the explorers products, i have a dn'i games mug, I would buy another d'ni mug anyday
(06/25 20:53:49) Illuvatar: If i loose uru, gametap loses me
(06/25 20:53:50) KL/\RREN: i play uru from the beginning, but this is it. i love this game, but with ads i will hate it.. so i must leave
(06/25 20:54:04) Poseidon: and no "pop up" adds either.....
(06/25 20:54:09) TomahnaGuy: Pehapse Jalak will have the first sign of ads?
(06/25 20:54:14) Paulll50: I love it to
(06/25 20:54:16) Mar'ith: i'm only using gametap for uru
(06/25 20:54:20) Poseidon: be in relto and have an add pop up.....
(06/25 20:54:21) Songe would like a set of mugs
(06/25 20:54:22) Dragonia: Jalak?
(06/25 20:54:35) Mar'ith would like some t-shirts
(06/25 20:54:38) peni: i can cope with whatever comes along
(06/25 20:54:42) TomahnaGuy: Jalak is the newly scheduled Dni agmes arena
(06/25 20:54:44) Dragonia cringes
(06/25 20:54:49) Paulll50: hi peni
(06/25 20:54:54) TomahnaGuy: I hope the "games" dont involve fighting though :(
(06/25 20:54:57) Dragonia: thx
(06/25 20:55:00) Songe: Bingo ?
(06/25 20:55:01) peni: hiya Paul :)
(06/25 20:55:11) Mar'ith: poker?
(06/25 20:55:21) TomahnaGuy: lets just say anything but that :)
(06/25 20:55:30) Mar'ith: lol
(06/25 20:55:33) Pryftan: Honestly, I'd prefer an ad-free cavern, but anybody who leaves because of them was only partially interested anyway and the community can do without them.
(06/25 20:55:34) Ewilan feels sad and worried
(06/25 20:55:37) ABguy: I hate to say it but I don't know if I have seen enough to be happy with ads just yet... Opening ages that would ad a new dimension to the game would intise me to put up with it... but if I had to put up with it for what I have seen so far IM with Klarren...
(06/25 20:55:39) Songe: Ping pong
(06/25 20:55:42) TomahnaGuy: now im going to step down from this podium before I seem like n overlord :P
(06/25 20:55:57) Ewilan: lol
(06/25 20:56:07) UberThend: lol
(06/25 20:56:12) Marcello: I think pretty black or white about this
(06/25 20:56:35) To ireenquench: wollen die wieder offline addons machen ??
(06/25 20:56:40) TomahnaGuy: Cates news was pretty shocking
(06/25 20:56:40) Marcello: Either without ads and like how it's going now or with ads and a major, major improvement in the nr of ages and interaction
(06/25 20:56:44) Dragonia: I can see blimps flying around the city with blinking ads like Blade Runner
(06/25 20:56:49) Poseidon: lets vote....
(06/25 20:56:52) Songe: Cool
(06/25 20:56:54) TomahnaGuy: agreed.
(06/25 20:56:56) Marcello: Something in the middle won't work I think
(06/25 20:56:56) Ewilan: i don't want have the ads when gametap have the money to make it be without
(06/25 20:57:05) Poseidon: who doesnt mind ads if they are un-intrusive?
(06/25 20:57:05) ABguy: Right
(06/25 20:57:10) Sti 'in: who wants to go to a pod age with me???
(06/25 20:57:12) Ewilan: i'm not paying 14 dollard / months for noting
(06/25 20:57:16) Sti 'in:
(06/25 20:57:18) From ireenquench: neine
(06/25 20:57:18) UberThend: Where'd you hear that Ewilan?
(06/25 20:57:18) TomahnaGuy: if it me or is the room getting progressively dimmer?
(06/25 20:57:21) TomahnaGuy: () ()
(06/25 20:57:22) TomahnaGuy: __
(06/25 20:57:22) D'ean: i don't mind *raises hand*
(06/25 20:57:24) To ireenquench: ah gut
(06/25 20:57:27) Jazz: I don't mind ads if it means keeping Uru alive
(06/25 20:57:28) Pryftan: Gametap has more concerns than just Uru.
(06/25 20:57:35) sil_oh_wet: They are trying to save on power
(06/25 20:57:35) Poseidon: i dont mind either
(06/25 20:57:39) Ewilan: gametap, is turner, big huge full of money company
(06/25 20:57:45) Dragonia nods her head
(06/25 20:57:45) From ireenquench: sie diskutieren werbung in den hoehlen
(06/25 20:57:52) Mar'ith: they could have 2 fees - one without ads and one with ads but cheaper
(06/25 20:57:57) Marcello: I'm afraid we are not hte kinda crowd that can be targeted by this kinda advertising
(06/25 20:57:58) Poseidon: ok.... now who is completely opposed to all adds whatsoever?
(06/25 20:58:03) To ireenquench: oje
(06/25 20:58:07) Ewilan: I am
(06/25 20:58:08) Marcello: there is nothing to be gained
(06/25 20:58:13) URU_Plum: is gametap squeezing cyan?
(06/25 20:58:14) Songe: But they aren't going to pay to keep agame going for a few diehards
(06/25 20:58:16) ABguy: I understand the business end of it guys... but I don't agree, I vote down.
(06/25 20:58:20) Songe: We need more ppl
(06/25 20:58:20) Rheanna: I am against adds
(06/25 20:58:21) Marcello: depends on where and how it's done
(06/25 20:58:22) Sti 'in: nobody responding to me...:(
(06/25 20:58:24) TomahnaGuy: GameTap could put a LOT more funding in. But I supporty GameTap and Cyan and if it comes down to ads then so be it as long as they arent to obvious
(06/25 20:58:34) Poseidon: it is 5 to 5
(06/25 20:58:39) Rheanna: and there is other choices
(06/25 20:58:48) Poseidon: anyone else... want to vote
(06/25 20:58:50) ABguy: GameTap is fine... but GameTap isn't the reason Uru is really here... its US.
(06/25 20:58:58) Pryftan: Gametap saved Cyan
(06/25 20:58:58) TomahnaGuy: yes, we are a long way from a unanimous decision and there are many more options to eb considered.
(06/25 20:58:59) ireenquench: I just talked to Blake. Business wise he personally has moved on away from the restoration to other endeavours. He said his heart will always remain in D'ni though. He said I was allowed to tell this to you.
(06/25 20:59:02) <sniffle> Sti 'in is sad
(06/25 20:59:07) UberThend: Uru came back because of grass-roots efforts, now it has changed to a more business structure, the only way to quell the tide here is to re-visit becoming grass-roots again, but that is a lot of work, unless undertaken, then ads are a necessarycompromise
(06/25 20:59:12) Nine-O-Nine: 5 to 5.... and there is WAAAAAYYYyyyy more then 10 people..... good vote :-)
(06/25 20:59:18) Poseidon: seems like a split crowd..... yikes
(06/25 20:59:19) darkstar: Ewilan unfortunately business doesnt work that way, doesn't matter how big Turner is Gametap have to stand on there own and make money for Turner If they don't Turner will just close them down
(06/25 20:59:29) Pryftan: I'm for ads, I voted the first time but not the second.
(06/25 20:59:46) UberThend: Thank you very much, ireen
(06/25 20:59:50) Rheanna: and this has never been a democracy
(06/25 20:59:50) Poseidon: someone go start a poll on MOUL
(06/25 20:59:51) Mar'ith: i'm for ads if they are unobtrusive
(06/25 21:00:00) Ewilan: well gametap isn"t gonna get ANY for my money by actiing like this
(06/25 21:00:06) Poseidon: now... lol, i need to know
(06/25 21:00:10) Dragonia: I don't mind ads in a certain area but no pop-ups
(06/25 21:00:16) darkstar: acting like what?
(06/25 21:00:22) Pryftan: Look Gametap saved Cyan
(06/25 21:00:25) Marcello: what about when starting and closing the game, but not during
(06/25 21:00:33) Pryftan: They don't have incentive to keep flooding money into Cyan
(06/25 21:00:34) Songe: Goo idea
(06/25 21:00:38) Pryftan: Cyan needs to stand on their own
(06/25 21:00:41) Miranna: i only just got to the age players. I am totoally against ads in uru. AGAINST with all my heart and being ! ! ! ! !
(06/25 21:00:42) Marcello: "Coming soon on Gametap"
(06/25 21:00:44) TomahnaGuy: I dont need to say that the funding situation is poor but based oin Cates speech today, id say this is going on its last limb. GameTap was made for bringing back dead games. GameTap needto rethink their business model and help fund uru once again. With or without advertisement in the cavern!
(06/25 21:00:45) KL/\RREN: believe me.. ads won't help us.
(06/25 21:00:45) Pryftan: Gametap can do without us
(06/25 21:00:47) Poseidon: i dont mind ads during the loading screens....
(06/25 21:00:47) Sti 'in cries
(06/25 21:00:48) Ewilan: what point in saving cyan to screw it up after ?
(06/25 21:00:48) ireenquench: So i guess he'll be a mere visitor like us from now on. Said its all cates business now. he is not involved anymore.
(06/25 21:00:49) dEZMiTE: Marcello has a point
(06/25 21:00:56) <sniffle> Sti 'in is sad
(06/25 21:00:59) Maratanos: look If Cate is talking about it, it won't be popups, because those are not IC. Period
(06/25 21:00:59) Mar'ith: they could be instead of the black "linking" screen which we get a lot of these days
(06/25 21:01:04) <sniffle> Sti 'in is sad
(06/25 21:01:06) Poseidon: just not in any of the physical locations
(06/25 21:01:10) Pryftan: Gametap isn't doing anythign to screw them up.. Cyan's trying to stand on their own feet
(06/25 21:01:33) TomahnaGuy: yes pryftan
(06/25 21:01:36) Miranna: We can design shrts, mugs, anything and sell them on the surface. that would promote more money than plying us with nasty ads all over our beautiful uru
(06/25 21:01:37) dEZMiTE: put in the ads while loading. Like the Steam Network does.
(06/25 21:01:40) Pryftan: It'd be Cyan's decision to put ads in the cavern
(06/25 21:01:42) Marcello: And what about the loading screens?
(06/25 21:02:29) ...Chat.log stopped.

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